In a previous article, I described how to create an HTML editor using the MFC CHtmlEditCtrl class in a dialog box.  It could be used for creating "rich text" emails, chat-box composition, or perhaps even as an option for a syntax-highlighting co…
1  本来cocopods没有问题,最近创建项目,利用cocopods导入第三方库的时候,出现如下错误: [!] Unable to add a source with url `` named `master`. You can try adding it manually in `~/.cocoapods/repos` or via `pod repo add`. 解决方案: pod repo add master…
在使用codemirror时,其原理是根据form中的textarea标签,自动加载其内容,获得代码行的显示.(具体使用方式参见 codemirror官网使用手册优点显而易见,在codemirror中,修改了一部分代码,在form表单提交时,codemirror会自动调用其内部的save()方法,将codemirror中的新值,更新至textarea中,进行表单提交.然而当我们用js动态加载文件,修改后对文件进行保存时…
分析: Splay区间操作裸题,维护出区间信息,按照要求模拟,注意读入格式,并且考虑内存回收(开不下) 附上代码: #include <cstdio> #include <algorithm> #include <queue> #include <cstring> #include <cstdlib> #include <cmath> #include <iostream> #include <map> usi…
In this version of our HTML Editor, we'll create a floating source view/edit window and we'll implement a system that will give us access to the most commonly desired formatting options; for instance, we'll be able to select fonts and colors, insert…
I needed a lightweight HTML editor to generate "rich text" emails, so I decided to explore the features and capabilities of the MFC CHtmlEditCtrl control.  I had looked into using the DHTML Edit Control (an Active X control) in the past, but thi… Install required packages Create some data Text annotations using geom_text and geom_label Change the text color and size by groups Add a text annotation at…
web & Rich Text Editor 富文本编辑器 CKEditor 4 开源协议不太友好呀…
Seven habits of effective text editing(via) Bram Moolenaar November 2000 If you spend a lot of time typing plain text, writing programs or HTML, you can save much of that time by using a good editor and using it effectively. This paper will present g…
JSON Editor JSON Editor 根据定义的JSON Schema 生成了一个Html 表单来对JSON进行编辑.它完整支持JSON Schema 的版本3和版本4,并且它集成了一些流行的CSS 框架,例如bootstrap, foundation, and jQueryUI等. JSON Editor 生成的编辑器支持输入框.下拉框.等几乎所有的html5输入元素 点击这里查看官网在线示例: 点击下面链接进行下…