Grammar focus 语法点: on,   在...上 next to ,   旁边,周围 aross from ,  对面 between  在...之间 in front of  在…前面 Where's the school ? On Main Street. Next to the library. Aross from the supermarket. Between the bank and the library. Practice 练习 Read and Circle 1.…
Vocabulary focus 核心词汇 cutting the grass 修剪草坪 getting the mail  收到邮件 taking out the trash  把垃圾带出去 walking the dog  遛狗 washing the car  洗车 watering the grass  给草浇水 light's    L     love    like     #  在前面 l   < dark's    L      girl      meal   # 在结尾 w…
Xu言: 今天,阴差阳错又上了一次 VC 1 C的课,不过这次是小班的形式.这次课的教室叫 toronto   [təˈrɒntəʊ]  to ron to (多伦多(加拿大城市))   - -0我还以为是土豆potato 或者番茄 tomato .还不错,除了和老师交流外,还能和同学相互练习. sentence review I have a bad day at work! 我工作糟糕的一天! Do you have a dog ? 你有一只狗吗 ? Where are you from?…
Grammar focus 语法点: like to do    you do    they What  does  he    like to do? does  she Practice 练习 What do they like to do? They like to play basketball. What does she like to do? She likes to swim. What does he like to do? He likes to play cards. W…
MP review: 音标(Phonetic symbol) [ɪ]    lit adj. 照亮的,点着的(light的过去式及过去分词)n. (Lit)人名:(瑞典)利特:(老)李 [ʊ]   good  put  book [ʌ]   up  cut  hunt  love [ɒ]  box   fox  oil [e]  any  bed [æ]  cat   bag  at [iː] we bee [uː]  foolish blue  too [ɑː] bar  car [ɔː] w…
xu言: ...  自己选择的路,就算是爬,也要给我爬完.短短人生数载,我能之止于此? Words appointment  预约 meeting  会议 class movie party program 节目单: TV Show 电视节目  :reality [rɪ'ælɪtɪ]  show 真人秀 calendar ['kælɪndə]    ca.len.der 日历 January  一月 February 二月 March  三月 April 四月 May 五月 June  六月 J…
 Around Town  城市周围 Talk about the picture 看图说话 sentences Where are you? I'm in the Meten classroom. What do you do? I study English at the school. I eat dinner at the restaurant I go shopping at the supermarket Do you study English at the School?# Ar…
Xu言: 业精于勤,荒于嬉:行成于思,毁于随 Before you read 阅读准备 Talk about the picture, what do you see?看图说话,你看到了什么? Listen and read 听并读 Sue, Have fun at school! You need pencil ,The pencil in the desk. You need notebook, The notebook on my computer. You need dictionary…
Grammar focus 语法点: in 和 on in the desk    在桌子抽屉里 on the desk  在桌子面上 Practice 练习 Where's my pencil? In the desk Where's my dictionary? In the filing cabinet Where's my notebook? on the desk Where's my ruler? on the table Where 's my pen? on the floor…
xu言: Sometimes, I feel very confused. However, there will always be a weak light in a corner to light up for you. Maybe you need more faith forward. Life needs a sense of ritual... 有些时候,感觉很迷茫.但是,总会在某个角落有一盏弱弱的小光为你点亮.也许向前需要更多的信仰.生活需要有仪式感... —— loki.val…
Grammar focus 语法点 What's your name? What's his name? What her name? My name is Angela. His name is Kevin. Her name is Julia. Practice 练习 Read and circle your  his  her                 Chin    Alima   Vincent example: What's your name ? My name is Nan…
Vocabulary focus 核心词汇 Vo ca bu la ry   fo cus [və(ʊ)'kæbjʊlərɪ]      ['fəʊkəs] Listen and repeat  听并跟读         联合   州                        美洲,美国The United States  美国  of  America  U ni te d  S ta tes 美利坚合众国的国旗旗面由13道红白相间的宽条构成,左上角还有一个包含了50颗白色小五角星的蓝色长…
Read 阅读  From: Lupe To:Miriam Hi Miriam, I'm not working today.It's my day off. Are you busy?Come and visit me! What do you like to do?I like to cook.I like to play cards. I like to listen to music and dance. I like to watch TV. Do you like to watch…
Vocablulary focus  核心词汇 cook play the guitar listen to music watch TV read magazines work in the garden bookshelf  书架          bookshelf with a pencilcase Chopping board  切菜板 What can you see in the picture? 一般疑问句: 使用Yes or No 回答的问句.特殊疑问句:是需要根据提问内容做答…
Words dance  跳舞 exercise  运动:锻炼 fish  鱼 play basketball  打篮球 play cards 玩牌 swim  游泳 decorations 装饰品 Halloween    n. 万圣节前夕(指十月三十一日夜晚) 1. Trick 装饰:打扮  or  Treat  款待 2. make Jack-o lantern  制作杰克灯笼    # lantern 灯笼 Sentences Do you like to ...?  你喜欢做...?…
Read 阅读 Dear Susie(苏西) It's after dinner, My family is working in the kitchen. My daughter Li is  washing the dishes. My daughter Mei is drying the dishes.My sons are taking out the tarsh.Where is my husband?He isn't in then kitchen. He is sleeping i…
Grammar focus 语法点: 以What 开头的问句 What is/is/are he/she/they doing? Cutting the grass. Walking the dog. Washing the dishes. Practice 练习 What are they doing? They are Making dinner.  # make -> making(去e+ing) What is he doing? He is washing the dishes.  #…
She is doing homwork He is doing laundry He is drying the dishes She is making lunch She is making the bed He is washing the dishes # 现在进行时 人称代词                                          Be动词             动词+ing形式 I                                     …
Listen and read. Shop Smart [smɑːt]  Employee of the Month: Sara['særə] (萨拉) Lopez(洛佩斯) Congratulations, Sara Lopez-Employee of the Month! Sara is a salesperson. She sells clothes. Sara's whole(这里的w和e未发音) family works here at  Shop Smart. Her father…
Vocabulary focus  核心词汇 She is a receptionist. She answers the phone. She is a cashier She counts money He is a mechanic He fixes cars He is a custodian He cleans buildings She is a salesperson She sells clothes He is a waiter He serves food Extend Wh…
Words cashier  # 收银员                a cashier counts money   收钱 custodian  # 清洁工     a custodian  cleans buildings  打扫清洁 mechanic  # 机械师    a mechanic repairs cars  修车 receptionist  # 前台    a receptionist answer the phone  接电话 salesperson  # 销售员  a s…
Read Hi patty, This morning, Smuel and I are going to The Clothes place. Samuel needs blue pants.He needs a tie, too. I need a red dress and black shoes. Dresses are on sale. They're $39.99. Shoes are on sale, too. They're $19.99. That's good. Call y…
Grammar focus 语法点: How much is ...? How much are...? How much is the shirt?    $15.99. How much are the shoes? $68.95. How much is the T-shirt? The T-shirt is two dollars How much are the shores? The shores are three dollars How much  is the jacket?…
xu言: 不要使用中式的思维去思考西方的语义!!!切记切记 words a tie   领带 a blouse  女士衬衣 a sweater  毛衣 a skirt  短裙 a jacket   夹克衫(一般还用于指上半身穿的衣服) a raincoat 雨衣 Duty Free Shop (简称:DFS)免税商店 tax   n. 税金:重负 freight  运费 sneakers    s nea kers  ['sni:kəz]   休闲鞋 Sentences How much is…
Words The clothes place a dress 长裙      short skirt 短裙 pants 裤子   /  trousers 长裤  / shorts 短裤 a shirt 衬衫(男士)/  blouse(女士) n. 宽松的上衣:女装衬衫 shoes  鞋 socks    n. 袜子(sock的复数) a T-shirt 一件t恤 belt 皮带 sweater   n. 毛线衣,运动衫:大量出汗的人,发汗剂  /  Sweatshirt 卫衣 :运动衫   s…
Read 阅读 Teresa‘s Day Treesa's  is busy today. he meeting with her friend Joan is at 10:00. Her doctor's appointment is 1:00. Her favorite Tv program is at 4:30. Her class is 6:30. Her uncle's birthday is at 6:30, too. Oh, No! What will she do?  # 他会怎…
Grammar focus 语法点 Is your class  at 11:00 ?  # 带be动词的一般疑问句 Yes, it is No, it isn't   相当于 is not  Practice 练习 Is his class at twelve o'clock? No,he isn't. his class is at eleven o'clock. Is your Appointment at half past twelve? No, it isn't. My Appoin…
Words eleven  十一 twelve  十二 thirteen  十三 fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty  二十 bench  [bentʃ]  n. 长凳:工作台:替补队员 screen  [skriːn]       n. 屏,幕:屏风 tray  [treɪ]   n. 托盘:文件盒:隔底匣:(无线电的)发射箱 Around 左右    e.g. ten around  十点左右 about …
Read 阅读 Listen and read. 听并读 Notice from Riverside Library Come and visit Riverside Library.The new library opens today.The library is on Main Street. It is across from Riverside Adult School. It is next to K and P Supermarket. It is between K and P…
Vocabulary focus 核心词汇  drugstore  药店:    pill  n. 药丸:弹丸,子弹:口服避孕药         medicine  n. 药:医学:内科:巫术 hospital 医院 ambulance    ['æmbjʊl(ə)ns]    am bu lan ce  救护车 laundromat 自助洗衣店       laundry  n. 洗衣店,洗衣房:要洗的衣服:洗熨:洗好的衣服 post office 邮局 movie theater 电影院 f…