2ed,  by Timothy Sauer DEFINITION 1.3A solution is correct within p decimal places if the error is less than 0.5 × 10$^{−p}$ .-P29Bisection Method的优点是计算次数(step)是确定的(interval<精度).后面介绍的算法的interval是不确定的, 所以什么时候结束计算呢?不知道.所以定义“stopping criteria’’来决定什么时候结束…
2ed,  by Timothy Sauer DEFINITION 1.3A solution is correct within p decimal places if the error is less than 0.5 × 10$^{−p}$ .-P29Bisection Method的优点是计算次数(step)是确定的(interval<精度).后面介绍的算法的interval是不确定的, 所以什么时候结束计算呢?不知道.所以定义“stopping criteria’’来决定什么时候结束…
前几日我发了一个帖子,预告自己要研究一下  Numerical Analysis 非常多人问我为啥,我统一回答为AI-----人工智能 我在和教授聊天的时候,忽然到了语言发展上 我说:老S啊(和我关系比較亲的外国人,我通常会直接叫名字的首字母),Matlab是收费软件.TMD这么贵,并且琢磨的点也少.市面上有非常多的语言能够替代它.为啥matlab还活着. 他说:额.我也不知道 我说:近几年python发展非常快,图形处理能力比想象的要强大,大有替代matlab之势,为啥不用python. 他说…
PART1  <求解方程> 1,二分法 def bisect(f,a,b,TOL=0.000004): u_a = a u_b = b while(u_b-u_a)/2.0 > TOL: c = (u_a+u_b)/2.0 : break : u_b = c else: u_a = c u_c = (u_a + u_b) / 2.0 return u_c f = lambda x: x*x*x + x - ret = bisect(f,-1.0,1.0) print(ret) print…
In many cases, the smallness of the residual means that the approximation is close to the solution, i.e., 残差:结果的差值 误差:近似解与解的差值 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Residual_(numerical_analysis) Loosely speaking, a residual is the error in a result. To be pr…
Top Numerical Libraries For C# AlgLib (http://alglib.net) ALGLIB is a numerical analysis and data processing library. Is supports many languages but has been entirely rewritten in naitive C#, and functions across many operating systems. It is open so…
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