原文:https://www.quora.com/How-does-a-single-thread-handle-asynchronous-code-in-JavaScript -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Well, arguably its not true that Javascript is single threaded if you see from t…
一,什么是SingleThreadExecution模式?同一时间内只能让一个线程执行处理 二,例子 1.不安全的情况 用程序模拟 三个人频繁地通过一个只允许一个人经过的门.当人通过时,统计人数便会增加,并记录通行者的姓名和地址 门: public class Gate { private int counter = 0; private String name = "nobody"; private String address = "nowhere"; publ…
Invariably the question that comes up when talking about Redux is how does one handle asynchronous operations in redux. For instance, how do we hand off an operation to redux that requires a remote call to the server? Where exactly does the async par…
很多年以前了,那时tester发现一个server crash,通过测试pager功能很多次,可以把server搞崩溃. 一般来说,能再现的bug都不难改,不过这次因为要跑很多次test,才能再现crash,所以测得也不容易. 记得当时为了再现这个bug,我还写了个pager的模拟器,来模拟对应的功能. 当时从tester的测试看,这个crash发生在连接刚开始阶段,但因为不能保证之后没有问题,所以就写了对应的模拟功能,虽然最后证明问题确实出在线程启动阶段,不过通过模拟器证明之后的代码没问题,也…
直奔主题, Single Thread Execution也称作Critical Section(临界区),范例如下: public class SingleThreadGate { public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.println("ctrl + c to exit."); Gate gate = new Gate(); new UserThread(gate, "Alice", "A…
It is said that the one of the most routine work a javascript programmer do is writing codes like "something.onclick= function(e){}". I myself have written thousands lines of codes like this. But one thing I was confused when first coming across…
原文:配置 VS Code 调试 JavaScript 1. 安装 Debugger for Chrome 扩展.Open in Browser  扩展.View In Browser 扩展 2.用vs code打开项目 3.按 F5 出现下拉列表,选择Chrome,如下图 4.修改生成的 launch.json 文件: { "version": "0.2.0", "configurations": [ { "type": &…
Clean Code of JavaScript 代码简洁之道 JavaScript 版 https://github.com/ryanmcdermott/clean-code-javascript 目录 介绍 变量 函数 对象和数据结构 类 测试 并发 错误处理 格式化 注释 介绍 Robert C. Martin <代码整洁之道>总结了适用于 JavaScript 的软件工程原则 <Clean Code JavaScript>. 根据<代码整洁之道>作者多年经验整理…
待翻译,原文地址:http://mattwarren.org/2017/02/07/The-68-things-the-CLR-does-before-executing-a-single-line-of-your-code/ Because the CLR is a managed environment there are several components within the runtime that need to be initialised before any of your…
Add the STAThreadAttribute attribute on the Main method. This attribute is required if your program access OLE related functions, like Clipboard class does. [STAThread] static void Main(string[] args) { } 使用以下方式 var t = new Thread(MyThreadStartMethod…