昨天遇到一个案例,YourSQLDba做事务日志备份时失败,检查YourSQLDba输出的错误信息如下: <Exec> <ctx>yMaint.backups</ctx> <Sql> backup log [gewem] to disk = 'M:\DB_BACKUP\LOG_BACKUP\xxxx_[2016-11-22_01h11m05_Tue]_logs.TRN' with noInit, checksum, name = 'YourSQLDba:16…
前几天给一套LINUX下的RAC数据库打补丁升级,有一台机器更新失败了,相关的异常内容如下: Restoring "/u01/app/oracle/11.2.0/db_1" to the state prior to running NApply... Checking if OPatch needs to invoke 'make' to restore some binaries... Make failed to invoke "/usr/bin/make -f ins…
Subversion clients receive the following error message when attempting to connect to VisualSVN Server: svn: OPTIONS of 'https://server.domain.local/svn/repo': SSL handshake failed: SSL error:Key usage violation in certificate has been detected. (http…