Manholes, which interconnect underground sewerage pipes, and serve as a point of entry for cleaning the pipes, are located at every major sewer pipe junction, and are capped with round manhole covers. The reason for the circular construction of these…
题目链接 Codeforces Round #448 C. Square Subsets 题解 质因数 *质因数 = 平方数,问题转化成求异或方程组解的个数 求出答案就是\(2^{自由元-1}\) ,高消求一下矩阵的秩,完了 或者 由于数很小, 我们只需要对于每个数的质因数装压 对这组数求线性基,n - 线性基中的数就是自由元个数 代码 #include<bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; inline int read() { int x = 0,f =…
Facebook Hacker Cup 2014 Qualification Round比赛Square Detector题的解题报告.单击这里打开题目链接(国内访问需要那个,你懂的). 原题如下: Square Detector Problem Description You want to write an image detection system that is able to recognize different geometric shapes. In the first ver…
Square Distance  Accepts: 73  Submissions: 598  Time Limit: 4000/2000 MS (Java/Others)  Memory Limit: 65536/65536 K (Java/Others) 问题描述 一个字符串被称为square当且仅当它可以由两个相同的串连接而成. 例如, "abab", "aa"是square, 而"aaa", "abba"不是. 两个长…
1.Tell me about yourself? My name is xxx,i 'm from xxx. now , I am a postgratuation and my major subject is computer application. I worked at shanghai kinglong Internet of things company last year,I got a lot of innovate knowledge from my work about…
FQ找来,可能历史比较悠久了,慢慢看. 原文连接: Google Interview Questions: Product Marketing Manager Why do you want to join Google? What do you know about Google’s product and technology? If you are P…
某猎头收集了140多个Google的面试题,主要是下面这些职位的. Product Marketing Manager Product Manager Software Engineer Software Engineer in Test Quantitative Compensation Analyst Engineering Manager AdWords Associate 这 篇Blog例举了Google用来面试下面这几个职位的面试题.很多不是很容易回答,不过都比较经典与变态,是 Goo…
其实canvas本身很简单,就是去学习它的API,多看实例,多自己动手练习,多总结.但是canvas的API实在是有点多,对于初学者来说,可能学到一半就止步不前了.我也有这种感觉,在学习的过程中,编写实例,用到了其中很多的属性和方法,但是回头来看的时候总觉得什么也没用.所以决定系统性的记录一下它常用到的API,方便以后查阅,也顺便造福一下大家. 另外:附一个之前学习的时候自己跟着教程写的一个小游戏:tinyHeart小游戏 开始之前 假设html代码中有一个canvas标签: <canvas i…
今天玩Sublime ,结果安装了BracketHighlighter插件后,没效果,郁闷,度娘后总结如下: BracketHighlighter插件能为Sublime Text提供括号,引号这类高亮功能,但安装此插件后,默认没有高亮,只有下划线表示,不是很醒目,需要配置:1. 在Sublime Text中用package control安装BracketHighlighter:2. 安装完成后,打开Preferences -> package settings -> Bracket High…
一.BracketHighlighter能为ST提供括号,引号这类高亮功能,但安装此插件后,默认没有高亮,只有下划线表示,不是很醒目,需要如下配置1. 在ST中用package control安装BracketHighlighter(此是废话)2. 安装完成后,打开Preferences -> package settings -> Bracket Highlighter -> Bracket Settings – User (注意是user),然后添加如下代码 { "brac…