F - Supermarket Time Limit:2000MS Memory Limit:65536KB 64bit IO Format:%I64d & %I64u Submit Status Practice POJ 1456 Appoint description: System Crawler (2015-11-30) Description A supermarket has a set Prod of products on sale. It earns a p…
题目链接 描述 A supermarket has a set Prod of products on sale. It earns a profit px for each product x∈Prod sold by a deadline dx that is measured as an integral number of time units starting from the moment the sale begins. Each product takes precisely o…
Supermarket Time Limit:2000MS Memory Limit:65536KB 64bit IO Format:%I64d & %I64u Submit Status Practice POJ 1456 Description A supermarket has a set Prod of products on sale. It earns a profit px for each product x∈Prod sold by a deadline dx…
超市里有n个产品要卖,每个产品都有一个截至时间dx(从开始卖时算起),只有在这个截至时间之前才能卖出并且获得率润dy. 有多个产品,所有可以有不同的卖出顺序,每卖一个产品要占用1个单位的时间,问最多能卖出多少利润. A supermarket has a set Prod of products on sale. It earns a profit px for each product x∈Prod sold by a deadline dx that is measured as an in…