一.Introduction Sakila可以作为数据库设计的参考,也可作为实验数据.我是用作数据仓库和ODI学习的实验数据. The Sakila sample database was developed by Mike Hillyer, a former member of the MySQL AB documentation team, and is intended to provide a standard schema that can be used for examples i…
For a long time, Qt has allowed you to decorate your GUIs with CSS’ish style sheets. Inspired by the web, stylesheets are a great way to stylize your Qt GUI, but it seems that few people use them. In this tutorial, we’ll create an example dialog in Q…
JDBC是Sun公司制定的一个能够用Java语言连接数据库的技术. 一.JDBC基础知识 JDBC(Java Data Base Connectivity,java数据库连接)是一种用于执行SQL语句的Java API,能够为多种关系数据库提供统一訪问,它由一组用Java语言编写的类和接口组成.JDBC为数据库开发者提供了一个标准的API,据此能够构建更高级的工具和接口,使数据库开发者能够用纯 Java API 编写数据库应用程序,而且可跨平台执行,而且不受数据库供应商的限制.…