Chapter 4 Invitations——28】的更多相关文章

"Oh, thanks, now that's all cleared up." Heavy sarcasm. “哦,真感谢,现在一切都清楚了.” 我很讽刺的说道 I realized I had stopped walking again. 我意识到我有停止了脚步. We were under the shelter of the cafeteria roof now, so I could more easily look at his face. Which certainly…
"Myself, obviously." He enunciated every syllable, as if he were talking to someone mentally handicapped. “显而易见是我自己.”他每个音节都说的很清楚,就好像他在和一个残疾人交流一样. I was still stunned. "Why?" 我仍然很吃惊.“为什么?” "Well, I was planning to go to Seattle in…
"I wanted to ask you something, but you sidetracked me," he chuckled. He seemed to have recovered his good humor. “我想问你个事情,但是你转移了话题,” 他轻笑道.看起来他恢复了他的幽默. "Do you have a multiple personality disorder?" I asked severely. “你是有多重人格吗?”我严肃地问道.…
"So you are trying to irritate me to death? Since Tyler's van didn't do the job?" "所以你想要把我气死?因为Tyler的卡车没有做到对不?" Anger flashed in his tawny eyes. His lips pressed into a hard line, all signs of humor gone. 愤怒从他黄褐色的眼中闪过.他的嘴唇压成一条线,所有幽默的语气…
"How do you do that?" I asked in amazed irritation. “你是怎么做到的?”我惊讶的问道. "Do what?" He held my key out as he spoke. As I reached for it, he dropped it into my palm. “做什么?”他拿着我的钥匙说道.当我准备拿的时候,他把它扔到了我的手掌里. "Appear out of thin air."…
The next morning, when I pulled into the parking lot, I deliberately parked as far as possible from the silver Volvo. 第二天早上,当我把车停进停车场的时候,我故意停的离银色Volvo尽可能远. I didn't want to put myself in the path of too much temptation and end up owing him a new car.…
"Are you going all by yourself?" he asked, and I couldn't tell if he was suspicious I had a secret boyfriend or just worried about car trouble. “你是准备一个人去吗?”他问道,我不能确定他是怀疑我有一个秘密的男友还是只是担心车子的问题. "Yes." “是的” "Seattle is a big city — yo…
"Dad?" I asked when he was almost done. “爸?”我当他快吃完的时候问道. "Yeah, Bella?" “怎么了,Bella” "Um, I just wanted to let you know that I'm going to Seattle for the day a week from Saturday… if that's okay?" “嗯,我就是想告诉你,这周六我要去西雅图….可以吗?” I…
Well, that was fine. I could leave him alone. 行吧,但愿一切都好.我能让他一个人. I would leave him alone. 我也会让他一个人的. I would get through my self-imposed sentence here in purgatory, and then hopefully some school in the Southwest, or possibly Hawaii, would offer me a…
After I hung up, I tried to concentrate on dinner — dicing the chicken especially; I didn't want to take another trip to the emergency room. 当我挂了电话之后,我尝试把注意力集中在晚饭上————尤其是在切鸡肉上:我可不想再来一次医院旅行. But my head was spinning, trying to analyze every word Edwar…