With Windows Azure, you can use a virtual machine to provide server capabilities. As an example, a virtual machine running on Windows Azure…
在Java语言中,能够独立运行的程序称为Java应用程序(Application).Java语言还有另外一种程序--Applet程序.Applet程序(也称Java小程序)是运行于各种网页文件中,用于增强网页的人机交互.动画显示.声音播放等功能的程序.In the Java language ,the program can ran independently is called Java application.Java language also has an another program…
At this moment, Azure Service Fabric does not support JAVA application natively (but it's on the support roadmap). However, we can host the JAVA application as a Guest Executable for the time being. In this article, I will walk you through how to dep…