问题 I: Common Knowledge 时间限制: 1 Sec 内存限制: 64 MB提交: 9 解决: 8[提交][状态][讨论版] 题目描述 Alice and Bob play some game in which they score points. Each of the two has an n-digit scoreboard which depicts numbers in base 10 (with leading zeroes). The digits 0 to 9…
第四部分 推理题 1.世界上每个角落的每个人都有立场,都有背景,都有推理性,能推理出一个人语言的真意,才成就了真正的推理能力: 2.换言之,如果你能通过一个人的说话推理出其身份职业,你的推理能力更上一层楼. 一 . 临门一脚 1. “I believe in human ingenuity – that when we decide on a task to be done, no matter how daunting it may seem at the beginning, we…
传送门 #1154 : Spring Outing 时间限制:20000ms 单点时限:1000ms 内存限制:256MB 描述 You class are planning for a spring outing. $N$ people are voting for a destination out of $K$ candidate places. The voting progress is below: First the class vote for the first candida…
https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/debuggingtoolbox/2007/06/08/recommended-books-how-to-acquire-or-improve-debugging-skills/ This article is my answer for this comment. First of all, this is just my opinion, not Microsoft’s opinion. Before talking abou…
Creating an API-Centric Web Application 转自 http://hub.tutsplus.com/tutorials/creating-an-api-centric-web-application--net-23417 by NIKKO BAUTISTA on DEC 30, 2011 SHARE Difficulty: INTERMEDIATETime: LONGType: TUTORIAL Download Source Files Planning to…
原文地址:http://architects.dzone.com/articles/how-analyze-java-thread-dumps The Performance Zone is presented by AppDynamics. AppDynamics is a leaders in the APM space with massive cost reductions for users. The content of this article was originally wri…
After we introduced locked thread detection to Plumbr couple of months ago, we have started to receive queries similar to “hey, great, now I understand what is causing my performance issues, but what I am supposed to do now?” We are working hard to b…