如何结束返回值是void的方法? return;只能够出现在方法类型是void 的方法中,用来结束方法. return后面还可以跟数据,后面的数据可以是整数.字符串.false.ture.小数.主要看你方法的返回值类型是什么了.如果不返回,java程序是无法通过的. public class MethodTest06{ public static void main(String[] args){ m1(0); System.out.println("hello");//该语句会被执行…
一.java program progress of excuting:show in next picture How about the java virtual machine is it,what situation is in the jvm,or how to worke is going? If you want to slove these questions,please read the next picture: The more details…
function TMiTeC_Storage.GetPhysInfo(Index: integer): TDeviceInfo; begin Finalize(Result); FillChar(Result,SizeOf(TDeviceInfo),); ) and (Index<Length(FPHYS)) then Result:=FPHYS[Index]; end; MiTeC控件的写法…
整理一下级联更新和删除 c#调用返回值 use master go IF exists(select 1 from sysdatabases where name='temp') BEGIN DROP DATABASE temp END create database temp go use temp go --drop table ProductInfo create table ProductInfo ( ProductId int primary key , ProductName var…