couldn't connect to the device trackpad】的更多相关文章

No provisioned iOS devices are available with a compatible iOS version. Connect an iOS device with a recent enough version of iOS to run your application or choose an iOS simulator as the destination. 原因:找不到证书,下图为加入你的证书…
本例子演示了: 判断蓝牙是否打开,是通过一个HRsult值为0x8007048F的异常来判断的 catch (Exception ex) { if ((uint)ex.HResult == 0x8007048F) { var result = MessageBox.Show(AppResources.Msg_BluetoothOff, "Bluetooth Off", MessageBoxButton.OKCancel); if (result == MessageBoxResult.…
OAuth 2.0设备流设备授权的客户端库是作为HttpClient扩展方法提供的. 以下代码发送设备授权请求: var client = new HttpClient(); var response = await client.RequestDeviceAuthorizationAsync(new DeviceAuthorizationRequest { Address = "…
adb支持两种连接Android系统的方式,USB方式及网络方式.一般android手机及android平板默认会设置为USB方式(直接插数据线的方式). 下边介绍两种方式的切换方式. 1. 背景知识: android系统底层运行着一个服务(adbd),也就是在手机系统内部,用于相应和管理大家在电脑端的adb命令连接, 这个服务在启动时会根据手机的配置监听USB连接或网络其中之一.配置的属性为: service.adb.tcp.port            <-  监听的网络端口 以上属性的值…
Android开发,一般使用adb远程连接设备,习惯性一个命令: adb connect 这几天发现一个问题,同一个命令,提示错误: adb connect missing port in specification: tcp: 另外一个电脑没问题.随便搜索了一下,没找到原因.回想这几天的操作,有个相关的事情,就是升级了AndroidStudio3.3.2.感觉应该是附带升级了adb版本,造成的影响吧.查看一下没有出问题…
如何在chrome上调试混合式APP Get Started with Remote Debugging Android Devices Kayce Basques By Kayce Basques Technical Writer at Google Remote debug live content on an Android device fr…
Remote Debugging Android Devices //在电脑上远程调试安卓设备 By Kayce Basques Technical Writer at Google By Meggin Kearney Meggin is a Tech Writer Remote debug live content on an Android device from your Windows, Mac, or Linux computer.//远程实时调试安卓设备的内容. TL;DR Set…
The way your web content behaves on mobile can be dramatically different from the desktop experience. Remote debugging with Chrome DevTools lets you debug live content on your Android device from your development machine. Remote debugging on Android…
Holographic Emulation is a new feature that vastly reduces iteration time when developing holographic applications in Unity. Developers creating applications for Microsoft HoloLens will immediately benefit by being able to prototype, debug, and itera…