PAT T1025 Keep at Most 100 Characters】的更多相关文章

删除字符的镜像问题,状态转移方程一样~ #include<bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; ; ; string s; long long dp[maxn][maxn]; int main () { cin>>s; fill (dp[],dp[]+maxn,); ,()); ;i<s.length();i++) { for (int j=i;j<=s.length();j++) { dp[i][j]=dp[i][j-]%mod+dp…
Define S = [s,n] as the string S which consists of n connected strings s. For example, ["abc", 3] ="abcabcabc". On the other hand, we define that string s1 can be obtained from string s2 if we can remove some characters from s2 such th…
字典树优化DP                                Remember the Word Time Limit: 3000MS   Memory Limit: Unknown   64bit IO Format: %lld & %llu [Submit]   [Go Back]   [Status] Description   Neal is very curious about combinatorial problems, and now here comes a p… Creating a SharePoint Sequential Workflow Using a Custom Task Approval Field SharePoint 2010   Summary:  Learn how to programmatically create and test a SharePoint sequential…
UVALive - 3942 Remember the Word Neal is very curious about combinatorial problems, and now here comes a problem about words. Know- ing that Ray has a photographic memory and this may not trouble him, Neal gives it to Jiejie. Since Jiejie can’t remem…
早上接到open-falcon报警,一台mysql从库同步延迟2w多秒,mysql版本比较老,用的5.1.37. 连接从库查找原因: show processlist一下,查看哪些线程在跑. 看到Time=25565,也就是说这个线程保持当前状态25565秒,一直在执行Updating操作.怀疑是由php分析数据脚本引起的,把这条语句发给开发,问问执行的是什么操作,开发说是每个用户登录,游戏角色等级提高就执行一次update操作,又问开发有没有脚本执行这个update语句,开发也说不清..没办法…
Define S = [s,n] as the string S which consists of n connected strings s. For example, ["abc", 3] ="abcabcabc". On the other hand, we define that string s1 can be obtained from string s2 if we can remove some characters from s2 such th…
//$token = drupal_get_token('abc'); //dpm(drupal_valid_token($token,'abc')); //1 //从任何字符串生成一个密码形式的字符串 //然后还可以验证这个字符串 // dpm(drupal_get_token()); //MK856eoEKWscJNOwh7TYHCpI--S-m2gU1PbD4J0Ugx8 //这个是可以的 //dpm(file_space_used()); //1460 //dpm(urlencode('…
题目描述: B. Passwords time limit per test 2 seconds memory limit per test 256 megabytes input standard input output standard output Vanya is managed to enter his favourite site Codehorses. Vanya uses n distinct passwords for sites at all, however he can… Introducing For Honor with a video, the team want it to be "The Call of Duty of Melee Combat", citing the Street Fighter series as another key influence for their desire to creat…
题目描述 A pangram is a phrase that includes at least one occurrence of each of the 26 letters, ‘a’. . .‘z’. You’re probably familiar with this one: “The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.”Your job is to recognize pangrams. For phrases that don’t c…
A. Football time limit per test 2 seconds memory limit per test 256 megabytes input standard input output standard output Petya loves football very much. One day, as he was watching a football match, he was writing the players' current positions on a…
hihoCoder #1383 : The Book List(书目表) 时间限制:1000ms 单点时限:1000ms 内存限制:256MB Description - 题目描述 The history of Peking University Library is as long as the history of Peking University. It was build in 1898. At the end of year 2015, it had about 11,000 tho…
如今代码静态检查越来越重要,已经成为构建高质量软件的不可或缺的一个验证步骤.如果你使用的是java语言,那么CheckStyle则是一个利器. CheckStyle能够帮助程序员检查代码是否符合制定的规范.通过将CheckStyle的检查引入到项目构建中,可以强制让项目中的所有的开发者遵循制定规范,而不是仅仅停留在纸面上.如果发现代码违反了标准,比如类名未以大写开头.单个方法超过了指定行数.甚至单个方法抛出了3个以上的异常等.这些检查由于是基于源码的,所以不需要编译,执行速度快. CheckSt…
Guardian of Decency Time Limit:3000MS     Memory Limit:0KB     64bit IO Format:%lld & %llu Submit Status Practice UVALive 3415 Description   Problem H - Guardian of Decency Time limit: 15 seconds Frank N. Stein is a very conservative high-school teac…
题目链接: B. Passwords time limit per test 2 seconds memory limit per test 256 megabytes input standard input output standard output Vanya is managed to enter his favourite site Codehorses. Vanya uses n distinct passwords for sites at all, however he can…
问题:Ignatius has just come back school from the 30th ACM/ICPC. Now he has a lot of homework to do. Every teacher gives him a deadline of handing in the homework. If Ignatius hands in the homework after the deadline, the teacher will reduce his score o…
传送门 Time Limit: 1000MS   Memory Limit: 131072KB   64bit IO Format: %lld & %llu Description In this problem, a dictionary is collection of key-value pairs, where keys are lower-case letters, and values are non-negative integers. Given an old dictionar…
Identifiers Time Limit: 1000ms   Memory limit: 65536K  有疑问?点这里^_^ 题目描述  Identifier is an important concept in the C programming language. Identifiers provide names for several language elements, such as functions, variables, labels, etc. An identifie…
这次出的题水爆了,借着这个机会终于把CF的号变蓝了.A. Helpful Mathstime limit per test2 secondsmemory limit per test256 megabytesinputstandard inputoutputstandard outputXenia the beginner mathematician is a third year student at elementary school. She is now learning the add…   Problem On Unix computers, data is stored in directories. There is one root directory, and this might have several directories contained inside of it, each with different names. These di… 1113: Updating a Dictionary Time Limit: 1 Sec  Memory Limit: 128 MBSubmit: 491  Solved: 121[Submit][Status][Web Board] Description In this problem, a dictionary is collection of key-value pairs, w…
题目链接: Guardian of Decency Time Limit: 3000MS   Memory Limit: 65536K Total Submissions: 5517   Accepted: 2322 Description Frank N. Stein is a very conservative high-school teacher. He wants to take some of his students on…
Description A group of junior programmers are attending an advanced programming camp, where they learn very difficult algorithms and programming techniques! Near the center in which the camp is held, is a professional bakery which makes tasty pastrie…
描述 The history of Peking University Library is as long as the history of Peking University. It was build in 1898. At the end of year 2015, it had about 11,000 thousand volumes of books, among which 8,000 thousand volumes were paper books and the othe…
cAPS lOCK Time Limit:500MS     Memory Limit:262144KB     64bit IO Format:%I64d & %I64u Submit Status Practice CodeForces 131A Description wHAT DO WE NEED cAPS LOCK FOR? Caps lock is a computer keyboard key. Pressing it sets an input mode in which typ…
链接: A. The Child and Homework time limit per test 1 second memory limit per test 256 megabytes input standard input output standard output Once upon a time a child got a test consisting of multiple-choice qu…
按照一个MySQL DBA在工作中接触到部分的先后顺序,编排培训目录如下. 字段选取 int , decimal, char , varchar , blob ,timestamp SQL优化 explain以及相关优化技巧 参数优化 常用参数优化 基本管理操作 show processlist; grant ; 主从复制 position机制 gtid机制 备份与恢复 冷备,热备 逻辑,物理 binlog在线备 高可用 MHA 中间件 监控与死锁排查 安装       Detect langu…
1.确保已配置好主备集群 A)配置 可参考MySQL官方文档( 或者我的博客( ) B)创建用户 在主备集群上的MySQL分别执行如下命令:   mysql -e "grant all privileges on *.* to test@'%' identified by…
Guardian of Decency Time Limit: 3000MS   Memory Limit: 65536K Total Submissions: 5244   Accepted: 2192 Description Frank N. Stein is a very conservative high-school teacher. He wants to take some of his students on an excursion, but he is afraid that…