分治法基础 分治法(Divide and Conquer)顾名思义,思想核心是将问题拆分为子问题,对子问题求解.最终合并结果,分治法用伪代码表示如下: function f(input x size n) if(n < k) solve x directly and return else divide x into a subproblems of size n/b call f recursively to solve each subproblem Combine the results…
python编写PAT甲级 1007 Maximum Subsequence Sum wenzongxiao1996 2019.4.3 题目 Given a sequence of K integers { N1, N2, ..., NK}. A continuous subsequence is defined to be { Ni, Ni+1, ..., Nj} where 1≤i≤j≤K. The Maximum Subsequence is the continuous sub…