Voting classifier 多种分类器分别训练,然后分别对输入(新数据)预测/分类,各个分类器的结果视为投票,投出最终结果: 训练: 投票: 为什么三个臭皮匠顶一个诸葛亮.通过大数定律直观地解释: 一个硬币P(H)=0.51.大数定律保证抛硬币很多次之后,平均得到的正面频数接近\(0.51 \times N\),并且N越大,越接近.那么换个角度,N表示同时掷硬币的人数,即为这边的N个臭皮匠,他们的结果合到一起就得到的是接近真实结果的值. 进一步根据中心极限定理,即二项分布以正态分布为其极…
该笔记基于:Multimodal Machine Learning:A Survey and Taxonomy 该论文是一篇对多模态机器学习领域的总结和分类,且发表于2017年,算是相当新的综述了.老师在课上推荐阅读,我花了三天大体看了一边,其中有很多实际的方法或者技术对我来说是全新的领域,也是未来学习的方向,但是对这个领域和其想解决的问题有了大致的了解.记录如下: 关键名词解释: Modality:A particular mode in which something exists or i…
vi/vim作为liux系统下最强大,最流行的文本编辑器之一.边看<Learning the vi and vim Editor>边学习vim,顺便做写简单的笔记,供以后查询. 没看这本书之前,也经常使用过vim编辑一些简单文件之类的,会一些基本简单的命令.但看书的过程中,发现很多以前从没用过的,操作起来简单的命令,还是令人精神振奋的,vim还可以这样用!!!! Simple Editing  ----- 介绍一些基本的vi操作命令 Moving Aound in a Hurry   ----…   How Can I Learn X? Learning Machine Learning Learning About Computer Science Educational Resources Advice Artificial Intelligence How-to Question Learning New Things Lea…
Machine Learning Algorithms Study Notes 高雪松 @雪松Cedro Microsoft MVP 目 录 1    Introduction    1 1.1    What is Machine Learning    1 1.2    学习心得和笔记的框架    1 2    Supervised Learning    3 2.1    Perceptron Learning Algorithm (PLA)    3 2.1.1    PLA -- "知…
Machine Learning for Developers Most developers these days have heard of machine learning, but when trying to find an 'easy' way into this technique, most people find themselves getting scared off by the abstractness of the concept of Machine Learnin…
About me In my spare time, I love learning new technologies and going to hackathons. Our hackathon project Pantrylogs using Artificial Intelligence was selected as one of the 10 Microsoft Imagine Cup UK finalists. I’m interested in learning more abou…
the main steps: 1. look at the big picture 2. get the data 3. discover and visualize the data to gain insights 4. prepare the data for machine learning algorithms 5. select a model and train it 6. fine-tune your model 7. present your solution 8. laun…
A Gentle Guide to Machine Learning Machine Learning is a subfield within Artificial Intelligence that builds algorithms that allow computers to learn to perform tasks from data instead of being explicitly programmed. Got it? We can make machines lear…
from: Created by: Roger Grosse( Intended for: beginning machine learning researchers, practitioners Bayesian statistics is a branch of statistics…