目前来看,移动应用比移动网站的易用性更高,但变化即将发生,移动网站最终将优于Apps,成为更好的策略选择. 一家公司制定移动策略时,最重要的问题是:是否需要考虑为移动设备特别做点什么.一些公司永远都不会获得太多的移动使用量,这样的公司就应该专注于桌面站点上,让它在小屏幕设备上的使用不至于糟糕得让人难以忍受. 但是,假如你的网站恰好对移动用户有着不错的吸引力,那么第二个应该考虑的策略问题是:你应该推出一个移动网站还是开发一个特殊的移动应用?这个问题现在的答案可能大大不同于将来的答案.让我们看看著名…
free Media Players (Free MP3, Video, and Music Player ...) are cool because they let web developers and bloggers embed MP3 Players/FLV Olayers and build customized JukeBox on the websites. With these online Media players, you can add a list of songs…
The Exceptional Performance team has identified a number of best practices for making web pages fast. The list includes 35 best practices divided into 7 categories. Looking to optimize your mobile app experience? Check out Flurry Analytics. Filter by…
原文地址:http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/cn/web/wa-restful/ 简介: Spring,构建 Java™ 平台和 Enterprise Edition (Java EE) 应用程序的著名框架,现在在其模型-视图-控制器(Model-View-Controller ,MVC)层支持具象状态传输 (REST).RESTful web 服务根据客户端请求生成多个具象(representations)很重要.在本篇文章中,学习使用 HttpMessage…
I've come across lots of terms while learning web development. I'm feeling myself overwhelmed. Here I just list all the terms I met along the way. JS Framework Angular Backbone: Backbone.js gives structure to web applications by providing models with…
About creating web GIS applications As you learn and use ArcGIS for Server, you'll probably reach the point where you want to build or customize your own web application to work with your GIS services. Esri offers several resources that you can use t…
As REST has become the default for most Web and mobile apps, it's imperative to have the basics at your fingertips. More than a decade after its introduction, REST has become one of the most important technologies for Web applications. Its importance…
原文:http://developer.yahoo.com/performance/rules.html 提升网站加载速度的一些优化技巧,大部分在前端层面. 不知道是多久以前写的,看起来有些已经过时了? ==== The Exceptional Performance team has identified a number of best practices for making web pages fast. The list includes 35 best practices divid…
Sencha Touch 是一个使用 HTML5.CSS3 和 JavaScript 语言构建的移动 web 应用程序框架,在本文中,学习如何应用您当前的 web 开发技能进行移动 web 开发.下载和建立 Sencha Touch,通过一个样例应用程序探究基本原理.学习开始使用 Sencha Touch 框架所需的一切 2012 年 3 月 19 日 内容 概述 Sencha Touch 准备开始 UI components 结束语 参考资料 评论 概述 在软件开发领域中,有两个重要的趋势越来…
转自: https://www.infoq.com/articles/advanced-architecture-aspnet-core ASP.NET Core's new architecture offers several benefits as compared to the legacy ASP.NET technology ASP.NET Core benefits from incorporating support for dependency injection from t…