set up trace code tool】的更多相关文章

這以 GNU GLOBAL 6.5.6 為示範 1: install GNU GLOBAL sudo ./configure; 若有以下 error,請看更下方的 Q5 說明. configure: checking "location of ncurses.h file"... configure: error: curses library is required but not f…
Service Trace Viewer Tool <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <configuration> <system.diagnostics> <trace autoflush="true" /> <sources> <source name="System.ServiceModel" switchV…
1. Log机制 做一些大型项目的时候,对代码的调试最有效的办法往往是最直接.最简单的log机制: 即对可以出设置打印店,对应打印信息进行调试(当然是有gdb也许你会觉得很高大上,但是实际项目中,gdb比较繁琐,且比较适合老司机使用). 如果log机制打印的好,则会事半功倍,大大提升调试的效率.博主今天就工作当中的使用到的log机制分享给大家,希望对大家有所帮助. 先看几张图: 1). Trace: 格式: 日期+时间+文件名+ + : + 打印的信息 2). Error Log: 格式: Ti…
Author:jin can zhu from China Source: Now many software makers have used allkinds of technoies to protects their softwares. For .net program, thesetechnoies include "Obfuscated code". "Obfuscatedcode" incl…
先贴上代码: public function index() { $code = input('get.code'); $tool = new Wxtool(); if (empty($code)) { $url = ''; $tool -> getCode($url, ); }else { $tool -> getWebAccessToken($code); } } 方法: ) { $redirect_uri = urlenco…
While developing your application, you should check that user interactions are buttery smooth, running at a consistent 60 frames per second. If something goes wrong, and a frame gets dropped, the first step in fixing the problem is understanding what…
graphterm 0.40.1 : Python Package Index graphterm 0.40.1 Downloads ↓ A Graphical Terminal Interface Release Notes GraphTerm is a browser-based graphical terminal interface, that aims to seamlessly blend the command line and graphical user interfaces.…
What is Google Analytics Google Analytics is a Google official analytics tool that is primarily used to help webmasters understand the data on the site and improve the quality of the site. The Google Analytics Admin action page, as follows: From the…
a linux trace/probe tool. 官网: 用户空间 SystemTap探测用户空间程序需要utrace的支持,3.5以上的内核版本默认支持. 对于3.5以下的内核版本,需要自己打相关补丁. 更多信息: 需要: debugging information for the named program utrace support i…
a linux trace/probe tool. 官网: 探测点 SystemTap脚本主要是由探测点和探测点处理函数组成的,来看下都有哪些探测点可用. The essential idea behind a systemtap script is to name events, and to give them handlers. Systemtap works by translating the script to C,…