l Time of call connection RRC连接时的时间,格式:yyyy年mm月dd日hh时mm分ss秒 l Call Setup Time per sections 呼叫建立时长 l Call Type 呼叫类型,取值范围[0..7] :EMERGENCY,紧急呼叫 :HIGH_PRIORITY_ACCESS,高优先级接入 :MT_ACCESS; 被叫接入,如响应寻呼 :MO_SIGNALLING,发送信令,如附着.位置更新.随机接入等 :MO_DATA,移动始端数据,上行…
摘自:https://es.xiaoleilu.com/070_Index_Mgmt/31_Metadata_source.html The _source field stores the JSON you send to Elasticsearch and you can choose to only return certain fields if needed, which is perfect for your use case. I have never heard that the…