IPC low/medium/high density 什么意思?】的更多相关文章

http://wiki.altium.com/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=3080344 Land Pattern Information Density Level A: Maximum (Most) Land Protrusion - For low-density product applications, the 'maximum' land pattern condition has been developed to accommodate wave o…
1.初级篇 Low.php 加单引号提交 http://localhost/DVWA-master/vulnerabilities/sqli_blind/?id=1'&Submit=Submit# 输出用户id没有找到,加注释符正常,说明是单引号闭合 http://localhost/DVWA-master/vulnerabilities/sqli_blind/?id=1'%23&Submit=Submit# 构造如下注入,若database名第一个字符为'd',即ascii码为100,页…
1.初级篇 low.php 先看源码,取得的参数直接放到sql语句中执行 if( isset( $_REQUEST[ 'Submit' ] ) ) { // Get input $id = $_REQUEST[ 'id' ]; // Check database $query = "SELECT first_name, last_name FROM users WHERE user_id = '$id';"; http:&Submit=Submit# 直接加引号看报错,通过报错…
Android Lint Checks Here are the current list of checks that lint performs as of Android Studio 2.3 dev:     Correctness ===========   AdapterViewChildren ------------------- Summary: AdapterViews cannot have children in XML   Priority: 10 / 10 Sever…
作为Android应用程序开发者都知道android是一个“碎片化”的世界.多种系统版本.多种尺寸.多种分辨率.多种机型,还有不同的厂商定制的不同ROM,你开发的应用会在不可预期的手机上报错.这给开发适配带来不小的难度.这篇文章会告诉我们怎么解决这个问题. 1.Android碎片化 1.1.android系统版本 Android更新较大的版本如下:   上面只有当前可用版本,Android L作为开发者版本没有出现其中,未来会有更多的版本.下图给出Android各个版本的占有率,这个是googl…
几个概念: 1) 屏幕密度(dpi) :dot per inch,即每英寸像素数. ldpi(120),mdpi(160),hdpi(240),xhdpi(320) 计算方法: 以480x854,4.0inch手机为例,其对角线为4.0inch,对角线的像素数为:(480^2 + 854^2)开根号 = 979. 所以其dpi = 979 / 4 = 245,约为240 2)屏幕尺寸:对角线长度.有small,normal,large,extra large   3)方向:横屏和竖屏   4)分…
Supporting Multiple Screens 支持各种各样的屏幕尺寸.屏幕密度 Android runs on a variety of devices that offer different screen sizes and densities. For applications, the Android system provides a consistent development environment across devices and handles most of t…
There are a few common questions asked whenever development begins on a new Android app. What assets will be needed? Which devices should be supported and how many can be supported with the team’s available resources? As an Android developer, my goal…
查询到执行的system service后,就能够在dumpsys后面加上service的名字,查看指定的service信息. adb shell dumpsys activity adb shell dumpsys cpuinfo adb shell dumpsys battery adb shell dumpsys window(最后部分能够看到分辨率的信息)===== ------------------------------------------------- Android Dev…
版权声明:本文为博主原创文章.未经博主同意不得转载. https://blog.csdn.net/kMD8d5R/article/details/83542978 https://mmbiz.qpic.cn/mmbiz_gif/y2fhgP4leTj804F6eWg06denf5Gdeqz307pm7PcP1QmWWzk13k7WVFw1lO2A4W49gb35H0rkxkwFMhFqA3eJSA/640?wx_fmt=gif" alt="640?wx_fmt=gif" /&…