1.新建系统录音档 登入FreePBX,在Admin面板下选择System Recordings,如下图: 在这个页面可以上传制作好的一些录音,例如像“欢迎致电XXX,按1中文,按2英文...”,但我发现它对录音格式有一些要求,随便找了几个mp3都不支持,所以最好的办法就是自己录音,在If you wish to make and verify recordings from your phone, please enter your extension number here: 之后输…
3DSlicer, a free open source software for visualization and medical image computing AcetoneISO:镜像文件挂载软件 Adobe Photoshop Album, an image organizing application Arora:一款跨平台的开源网页浏览器 Autodesk MotionBuilder, professional 3D character animation software Au…
3DSlicer, a free open source software for visualization and medical image computing AcetoneISO:镜像文件挂载软件 Adobe Photoshop Album, an image organizing application Arora:一款跨平台的开源网页浏览器 Autodesk MotionBuilder, professional 3D character animation software Au…
作者:尘中远链接:http://www.zhihu.com/question/19630324/answer/19365369来源:知乎 一些出名的例子如下:(wiki搬运) 3DSlicer, a free open source software for visualization and medical image computing AcetoneISO:镜像文件挂载软件 Adobe Photoshop Album, an image organizing application Aro…