现在,我们将学习怎么配置一对多的关系. Visit Entity Relationship section to understand how EF manages one-to-one, one-to-many, and many-to-many relationships between the entities. Note: You do not need to configure for one-to-many relationships either using DataAnnotat…
现在学习EF Code-First多对多的配置. 这里我们举例:学生和班级实体,一个学生可以选修多个课程,多个学生也可以选修同一个课程. 一.使用数据注解特性,配置多对多的关系 using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; namespace EF7 { public class Student { public…
一.什么是this? this是JavaScript语言的一个关键字,它是函数运行时在函数体内部自动生成的一个对象,只能在函数体内部使用.函数的不同使用场合,this的指向不同. 在ES5中,this永远指向最终调用它的对象. 例1: 这里最终调用函数a的对象是全局window,相当于window.a(). 所以this指向window,this.name的值为全局变量name的值 'windowsName'. var name = "windowsName"; function a…
1.What is HTML? When you write a normal document using a word processor like Microsoft Word/Office, your text is saved in a file with a special format. It is not simply saved as the string of words you typed since the document needs to preserve thing…