HEIDSOFT ENTHUSIASTIC GITHUB USER heidsoft@sina.com GitHub Profile I'm a developer based in China.shanghai with 69 public repositories and 5 followers. I've been using github.com since last year and sometimes I blog at http://cn.linkedin.com/pub/jake…
heidsoft:/etc/sysconfig/network # cat ifcfg.template ## This is a template for a network interface configuration file used with ifup.## See 'man 8 ifup' for details.## Additionally to the following variables you can set every variable from the## inte…
1.登陆cf 2.登陆进入webservice 3.查看ruby版本 4.查看gem版本 5.安装CF 6.配置cf Download the CLI from github: https://github.com/cloudfoundry/cli/releases Extract the zip file. Move gcf to C:\Program Files\Cloud Foundry\ Set your %PATH% to include C:\Program Files\Cloud…
##################### # 访问权限 ##################### class HeidSoft ##默认方法 def method1 ##### end protected def method2 ##### end private def method3 ##### end public def method4 ##### end end…
def say_goodnight(name) result ="Good night ." +name return result end def say_goodmorning(name) result ="Good morning .#{name}" return result end def say_goodafternoon(name) result ="Good afternoon .#{name}" end puts say_goo…
def say_goodnight(name) result ="Good night ." +name return result end def say_goodmorning(name) result ="Good morning .#{name}" return result end def say_goodafternoon(name) result ="Good afternoon .#{name}" end puts say_goo…