B2. Shave Beaver! The Smart Beaver has recently designed and built an innovative nanotechnologic all-purpose beaver mass shaving machine, "Beavershave 5000". Beavershave 5000 can shave beavers by families! How does it work? Very easily! There…
有两个序列A和B,A=(a1,a2,...,ak),B=(b1,b2,...,bk),A和B都按升序排列.对于1<=i,j<=k,求k个最小的(ai+bj).要求算法尽量高效. int *min_k(int *A, int *B, int len1, int len2, int k) { if (A == NULL || B == NULL || k <= 0) return NULL; int i, j; int *tmp = new int[k]; i = len1; j = len…
cd boost_1_64_0/tools/build ./bootstrap.sh --with-toolset=gcc 输出: -n Bootstrapping the build engine with toolset gcc... engine/bin.macosxx86_64/b2 Bootstrapping is done. To build and install, run: ./b2 install --prefix=<DIR> ./b2 install --prefix=/u…