这里做了比较清晰的解释: http://mybatis.github.io/mybatis-3/java-api.html SqlSession As mentioned above, the SqlSession instance is the most powerful class in MyBatis. It is where you'll find all of the methods to execute statements, commit or rollback transacti…
这里做了比较清晰的解释: http://mybatis.github.io/mybatis-3/java-api.html SqlSession As mentioned above, the SqlSession instance is the most powerful class in MyBatis. It is where you'll find all of the methods to execute statements, commit or rollback transacti…
If you don't have the permission to generate script according to an existing db, but you have the read permission for that db, if so you can use select to generate the expceted insert/delete/update statements, furtherly, you can also do complicated c…
这几天一直在学习C++下使用Mysql的方法及其中各种的问题,也看了很多Mysql的API函数,当然自己看的还是很基础的.其实对于每种数据库的操作,基本的方法都是非常类似的,大多都是connect,select,update,delete以及insert这几个操作.接下来我就将这几个步骤以代码的方式展现给大家,相信应该能对大家对mysql的编程起到一个基础模板的作用,方便大家以后对mysql数据库的了解和学习. 1.mysql的初始化initConnection: 1)mysql_init():…
https://github.com/mybatis/mybatis-dynamic-sql MyBatis Dynamic SQL     What Is This? This library is a framework for generating dynamic SQL statements. Think of it as a typesafe SQL templating library, with additional support for MyBatis3 and Spring…
本文是作者原创,版权归作者所有.若要转载,请注明出处.本文以简单的insert语句为例 1.mybatis的底层是jdbc操作,我们先来回顾一下insert语句的执行流程,如下 执行完后,我们看下数据库结果 OK,语句生效了. 2.贴一下我用mybatis框架写的demo,贴一下主要代码,依次是写sql的xml,以及该xml所对应的接口,还有个是测试的代码 执行完后,我们看下数据库结果 OK,语句生效了. 3.现在是开始阅读源码环节,我在源码上加了自己的理解,这就是我上篇文章编译mybatis源…
原文地址:http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_71460d950100nld2.html OUTPUT是SQL SERVER2005的新特性.可以从数据修改语句中返回输出.可以看作是"返回结果的DML".INSERT,DELETE,UPDATE均支持OUTPUT子句.在OUTPUT子句中,可以引用特殊表inserted和deleted.使用inserted和deleted表与在触发器中使用的非常相似. 在INSERT,DELETE,UPDATE中OUTPUT的…
使用 mybatis 的@Select 注解, @Select({ "<script>select " + ALL_COLUMNS + " from " + TABLE_NAME, " where type = 2 and territory_id in " + "<foreach collection='crmTerritoryIds' item='territoryId' index='index' open='(…
Create Trigger [dbo].[upemployee_kefyu_sale] on [dbo].[employee] for update as if update(FullName) begin update erp.dbo.kefupp set erp.dbo.kefupp.saleperson =e.Fullname from [employee] e where e.typeid = erp.dbo.kefupp.etypeid update erp.dbo.salesper…
OGG for sqlserver engryption && insert/delete 1. 源端操作 1.1 获取key 作为数据库用户密码加密 d:\GoldenGate\gg>keygen 128 1 0xC6E1D0189BCF020DECDFF52DC23FCA39 作为抽取进程日志加密以及目投递进程加密的密钥 d:\GoldenGate\gg>keygen 192 1 0x0542696E32B8342A7E1EEF23CFC9F707C26D27726785C…