Onsctl Onsctl这个命令是用来管理ONS(Oracle Notification Service)是OracleClustser实现FAN Event Push模型的基础. Oracle Notification Service (ONS)--A publish and subscribe service for communicating Fast Application Notification (FAN) events. 在RAC环境下,须要使用$CRS_HOME下的ONS,而不…
This chapter describes the interfaces that providers use for communication with Apple Push Notification service (APNs) and discusses some of the functions that providers are expected to fulfill. General Provider Requirements As a provider you communi…
SNS (Amazon Simple Notification Services) Amazon SNS (Amazon Simple Notification Services) is a notification service used to send the notifications to the subscribed endpoint or devices. It is provided as a part of Amazon Web Services. It provides a…
本函数用途:返回一个Table 在Oracle中实现,范例: --在Types中: create or replace type objTable as object ( s_usercode varchar2(), s_username varchar2() ); CREATE OR REPLACE TYPE tabTemp AS TABLE OF objtable; --在Function中: --使用Pipeline管道函数和Pipe row() create or replace fun…