When you want to build your logic with small, composable functions you need a functional way to handle conditional logic. You could wrap ternary expressions and if/else statements in functions, handling all of the concerns around data mutation yourse…
Handling your logic with composable functions makes your code declarative, leading to code that's easy to read and easy to test. Breaking that up to wrap some risky function in a try/catch block introduces imperative code and makes it harder to maint…
The difference between sort, sortBy, sortWith is that: 1. sort: take function as args. 2. sortBy: take prop as args. 3. sortWith: take array of funcs as args. const R = require('ramda'); const {sort, sortBy, sortWith, descend, prop, ascend} = R; cons…
In this lesson we'll learn the basics of using lenses in Ramda and see how they enable you to focus changes on specific properties of an object while keeping your data immutable. what 'R.lens' do is able to get or set prop value but keep the object i…
Hybrid transaction memory systems and accompanying methods. A transaction to be executed is received, and an initial attempt is made to execute the transaction in a hardware path. Upon a failure to successfully execute the transaction in the hardware…