sp_executesql invalid object name】的更多相关文章

https://stackoverflow.com/questions/10417126/dynamically-named-temp-table-returns-invalid-object-name-when-referenced-in-st You are doing it wrong! Try: exec(@SQL) instead of: EXECUTE sp_executesql @SQL To use sp_executesql the variable must be insid…
1. How does the invalid object come? The Oracle database will invalidate objects if a dependent object is changed. If I rebuild a table, the indexes on that table will become invalid because they use the table'srowids and rebuilding the table changes…
http://blogs.msdn.com/b/ramaprasanna/archive/2009/09/16/invalid-object-name-sys-configurations-microsoft-sql-server-error-208.aspx ---------- When you use Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio 2008 to access SQL Azure, if you get the following error…
在使用MacTex配合TexStudio编译beamer的时候,爆出如下错误, xdvipdfmx:fatal: pdf_ref_obj(): passed invalid object. 结果尝试其他tex文件,也不能正常编译.   按照如下方式解决: http://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/173038/xetex-and-xdvipdfmx-problem-in-texstudio-2   主要是TexStudio的设置 Show Advanced O…
1.  查看数据库中的无效对象      check oracle object      SQL> select count(*) from dba_objects where status='INVALID'; 2. 关闭应用,数据库和监听不能关闭         cd  $ADMIN_SCRIPTS_HOME         ./adadstpall.sh apps/apps   3. 用APP用户,执行adadmin打开维护模式并重新编译APPS Schema:      打开维护模式…
reference: https://webgeest.blogspot.com/2015/07/ora-39083-ora-02304-on-impdp-datapump.html     解决方法: 添加选项 TRANSFORM=ODI:N:TYPE or TRANSFORM=ODI:N   我之前还辛苦的从impdp的日志中找出create type 的语句并去掉OID,然后手工创建type了两遍!   很深刻的教训.                  …
首先创建数据表 IF object_id('TestTable') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE TestTable GO ,),Info )) GO INSERT TestTable SELECT 'a' UNION ALL SELECT 'b' GO 然后依次执行以下三个脚本 脚本一: EXEC('SELECT * INTO #temp FROM TestTable')SELECT * FROM #temp 脚本二: exec SP_EXECUTESQL N'SELECT *…
传递多个参数 https://stackoverflow.com/questions/28481189/exec-sp-executesql-with-multiple-parameters https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/relational-databases/system-stored-procedures/sp-executesql-transact-sql?view=sql-server-2017 DECLARE @IntVariable in…
今天在使用impdp导入的时候(同一数据库中转换schema),遇到了 ORA-39083: Object type TYPE failed to create with error: ORA-02304: invalid object identifier literal 具体报错的sql是 CREATE TYPE "xx"."xxxxx"   OID '1J35J43H1J5H2JK3HJ52H3J45' AS OBJECT 此type无法创建成功,原因是OID…