A method for allowing a protected mode kernel to service, in virtual 8086 mode, hardware interrupts which occur during execution of ring 0 protected mode code. When an interrupt occurs during execution of ring 0 code, the microprocessor copies the st…
http://www.codemachine.com/courses.html#kerdbg Windows Kernel Internals for Security Researchers This course takes a deep dive into the internals of the Windows kernel from a security perspective. Attendees learn about behind the scenes working of va…
A microprocessor contains an address generation unit, including a segment block, for loading descriptor data and a segment selector in a segment register. Two descriptor loads from a global descriptor table (GDT) and a local descriptor table (LDT) ar…
A method and mechanism for performing an unconditional stack switch in a processor. A processor includes a processing unit coupled to a memory. The memory includes a plurality of stacks, a special mode task state segment, and a descriptor table. The…
Core Audio render thread and thread signalling up vote2down votefavorite Does iOS have any kind of very low level condition lock that does not include locking? I am looking for a way to signal an awaiting thread from within the Core Audio render th…