A method for allowing a protected mode kernel to service, in virtual 8086 mode, hardware interrupts which occur during execution of ring 0 protected mode code. When an interrupt occurs during execution of ring 0 code, the microprocessor copies the st…
Virtual machine size CPU cores Memory OS disk space–cloud services OS disk space–virtual machines Max. data disks (1 TB each) Max. IOPS(500 per disk) ExtraSmall Shared 768 MB 19 GB 20 GB 1 1x500 Small 1 1.75 GB 224 GB 70 GB 2 2x500 Medium 2 3.5 GB 48…
http://www.codemachine.com/courses.html#kerdbg Windows Kernel Internals for Security Researchers This course takes a deep dive into the internals of the Windows kernel from a security perspective. Attendees learn about behind the scenes working of va…
目录 . 引言 . Linux 中断的概念 . 中断处理流程 . Linux 中断相关的源代码分析 . Linux 硬件中断 . Linux 软中断 . 中断优先级 . CPU在关中断状态下编程要注意的事项 0. 引言 中断是现代计算机体系结构的重要组成部分,我们回顾历史,现代体系结构的基本输入输出方式有三种 . 程序查询: CPU周期性询问外部设备是否准备就绪.该方式的明显的缺点就是浪费CPU资源,效率低下.但是在特定的场景下这种"程序查询"的方式还有有它的用武之地的 例如,在网络驱…
A microprocessor contains an address generation unit, including a segment block, for loading descriptor data and a segment selector in a segment register. Two descriptor loads from a global descriptor table (GDT) and a local descriptor table (LDT) ar…
#ifndef __CMSIS_OS_H__ #define __CMSIS_OS_H__ #include <stdint.h> #include <stddef.h> #include "RTOS.h" // API version (main [31:16] .sub [15:0]) #define osCMSIS 0x10002 // RTOS identification and version (main [31:16] .sub [15:0]) #…
梳理项目结构 项目做到现在, 前头的好多东西都忘了, 还是通过Makefile重新理解一下整个项目是如何编译的: 现在我们拥有这么9个文件: ipl10.nas    InitialProgramLoader, 占用了软盘的第一个扇区并符合启动盘的规范, 默认被载入地址是0x7c00 到 0x7e00, 负责将10个柱面读入到0x8200到0x34fff (10个柱面共10*2*18 = 360 个扇区但是第一个没有被读入); asmhead.nas     包含一些暂时未知的设定; naskf…
A method and mechanism for performing an unconditional stack switch in a processor. A processor includes a processing unit coupled to a memory. The memory includes a plurality of stacks, a special mode task state segment, and a descriptor table. The…
Core Audio render thread and thread signalling up vote2down votefavorite   Does iOS have any kind of very low level condition lock that does not include locking? I am looking for a way to signal an awaiting thread from within the Core Audio render th…
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- * Copyright (C) 2011 ARM Limited. All rights reserved. * * $Date: 10. Februar 2012 * $Revision: V0.03 * * Project: CMSIS-RTOS API * Title: cmsis_os.h template header file * * V…