cisco ios 密码恢复】的更多相关文章

一.路由器密码恢复 1.重启路由器,同时按下ctrl + breack键中断IOS的加载,路由器进入ROM Monitor模式 2.将配置寄存器的值更改为 0x2142,表示在启动时忽略startup-config 的配置 rommon > confreg 0x2142 rommon > reset 3.路由器将再次重启,登录不再需要密码 4.进入配置模式后,将配置文件手动加载进来 router # copy startup-config running-config ————————————…
路由器密码恢复: 准备工作:一台PC跟一台路由器用console线相连 工作原理:如果忘记密码被锁在路由器外,通过修复寄存器值来进行修复 默认的寄存器值为0x2102(关闭的),若要恢复口令需要开启这个值,告诉路由器忽略NVRAM的内容.开启配置寄存器的值是0x2142 步骤: 路由器第一次使用时使用超级终端(Hyper Terminal或者SecureCRT) 1  同时按下ctrl+break键   (执行一个中断来中断启动顺序) 2  修改寄存器值(修改为0x2142) Rommon 1>…
1.建立console连接2.重启启动安全设备 3.进入ROMMMON模式出现Use BREAK or ESC to interrupt boot字样时,按下ESC键进入ROMMON模式.4.设置ROMMON配置寄存器Rommon #0>confregDo you want to change this configuration? y/n[n]:y在disable system configuration?处选择“y"Disable system configuration?y/n[n]…
由于种种原因,Mysql root用户的密码可能被恶意篡改,这个时候就需要对Mysql进行密码恢复了.大致步骤如下: 1.修改MySQL的登录设置: # vi /etc/my.cnf 在[mysqld]的段中加上一句:skip-grant-tables 保存并且退出vi. 2.重新启动mysqld # /etc/init.d/mysqld restart  ( service mysqld restart ) 3.登录并修改MySQL的root密码 mysql> USE mysql ; mysq…
debug iapp through debug ip ftp debug iapp : to begin debugging of IAPP operations(in privileged EXEC mode) no debug iapp debug idmgr : to enable debugging for the identity manager (IDMGR)(in privileged EXEC mode) no debug idmgr debug of-mgr efp-ext…
clear license agent : to clear license agent statistics counters or connection statistics (in privileged EXEC mode) debug license : to enable controlled Cisco IOS software license debugging activity on a device (in privileged EXEC mode) no debug lice…
absolute : to specify an absolute time for a time-range (in time-range configuration mode) no absolute buffer-length : to specify the maximum length of the data stream to be forwarded (in line configuration mode) no buffer-length buffers : to make ad…
copy system:running-config nvram:startup-config : to save your configuration changes to the startup configuration so that the changes will not be lost if the software reloads or a power outage occurs command | {begin | include | exclude} regular-expr…
debug eap through debug he-module subslot periodic debug eap : to display information about Extensible Authentication Protocol(EAP)(in privileged EXEC mode) no debug eap debug ecfmpal : to enable debugging of the data path of the Ethernet Connectivit…
debug aaa accounting through debug auto-config debug aaa accounting : to display information on accountable events as they occur(in privileged EXEC mode) no debug aaa accounting : to disable debugging output debug aaa authentication : to display info…