和钱康来合作翻译的AI PRO 1和2 系列,计划是一周一篇,先捡着有意思的翻,对那篇有兴趣也可以留言给我优先翻译,希望都翻译好后有机会成书吧,有兴趣一起翻译的也可以联系我. 游戏人工智能是什么( What Is Game AI)? Kevin Dill 1.1 介绍 游戏AI就是目的就是为玩家创作出让人信服的体验,我们使用的每项技术,窍门以及算法,都是为了实现这个目标.维基上给予人工智能(AI,Artificial Intelligence )的定义是:"智能代理(智能主体,inte…
Long long ago there is a strong tribe living on the earth. They always have wars and eonquer others. One day, there is another tribe become their target. The strong tribe has decide to terminate them!!! There are m villages in the other tribe. Each…