解决SVN Upgrade working copy,无法上传到svn上的解决方案是SVN Upgrade working copy老有问题,而且还特别慢.还有种方法,将原来上传到svn的项目中有个.svn文件夹,将其删掉,就没有SVN Upgrade working copy这句话了,按照原来方式上传即可.…
解决 SVN cleanup 任务中断导致无法 update 今天在更新 svn 时, TortoiseSVN 一直在提示要进行 cleanup ,而执行 cleanup 时又提示: Cleanup failed to process the fllowing paths: xxxx Privous operation has not finished; run 'cleanup' if it was interrupted Please execute the 'Cleanup' comman…
最近使用SVN,开发项目的时候,璞玉遇到一个问题.就是: connot verify lock on path no matching lock-token available connot verify lock on path no matching lock-token available 错误 提交失败(细节如下): 错误 Connot verify lock on path 错误 ” ;no matching 错误 lock-token avail…
解决svn "cannot set LC_CTYPE locale"的问题 在ubuntu 8.10下安装的svn,在将Ubuntu的语言修改为英文之后,出现错误警告: $ svnsvn: warning: cannot set LC_CTYPE localesvn: warning: environment variable LANG is en_US.UTF-8svn: warning: please check that your locale name is correctTy…
解决SVN Cleanup时遇到错误信息:Cleanup failed to process the following paths:xxxxxxx Previous operation has not finished: run 'cleanup' if it was interrupted Please execute the 'Cleanup' command. 大喵多康 2016-10-14 10:39:07 暂未开通评论功能 提交或更新SVN文件时,提示需要先执行Clean up,但在…