深度学习课程笔记(十七)Meta-learning (Model Agnostic Meta Learning) 2018-08-09 12:21:33 The video tutorial can be found from: Model Agnostic Meta Learning Related Videos: My talk for Model Agnostic Meta Learning with domain adaptation Paper: https://arxiv.org/p…
Model-Agnostic Meta-Learning for Fast Adaptation of Deep Networks ICML 2017 Paper:https://arxiv.org/pdf/1703.03400.pdf Code for the regression and supervised experiments:https://github.com/cbfinn/maml Code for the RL experiments:https://github.com/cb…
摘要:我们提出了一种不依赖模型的元学习算法,它与任何梯度下降训练的模型兼容,适用于各种不同的学习问题,包括分类.回归和强化学习.元学习的目标是在各种学习任务上训练一个模型,这样它只需要少量的训练样本就可以解决新的学习任务.在我们的方法中,模型的参数被显式地训练,使得少量的梯度步骤和少量的来自新任务的训练数据能够在该任务上产生良好的泛化性能.实际上,我们的方法训练模型易于微调.结果表明,该方法在两个few shot图像分类基准上都取得了最新的性能,在少镜头回归上取得了良好的效果,并加速了基于神经网…
In recent years, there’s been a resurgence in the field of Artificial Intelligence. It’s spread beyond the academic world with major players like Google, Microsoft, and Facebook creating their own research teams and making some impressive acquisition…
Meta Learning/ Learning to Learn/ One Shot Learning/ Lifelong Learning 2018-08-03 19:16:56 本文转自:https://github.com/floodsung/Meta-Learning-Papers 1 Legacy Papers [1] Nicolas Schweighofer and Kenji Doya. Meta-learning in reinforcement learning. Neural…
Learning to Learn Chelsea Finn    Jul 18, 2017 A key aspect of intelligence is versatility – the capability of doing many different things. Current AI systems excel at mastering a single skill, such as Go, Jeopardy, or even helicopter aerobatics. But…
The Rise of Meta Learning 2019-10-18 06:48:37 This blog is from: https://towardsdatascience.com/the-rise-of-meta-learning-9c61ffac8564 Connor Shorten Follow Oct 16 · 9 min read   https://openai.com/blog/solving-rubiks-cube/ Meta-Learning describes th…
Visual Question Answering as a Meta Learning Task ECCV 2018 2018-09-13 19:58:08 Paper: http://openaccess.thecvf.com/content_ECCV_2018/papers/Damien_Teney_Visual_Question_Answering_ECCV_2018_paper.pdf 1. Introduction: 本文提出一种新的 VQA 思路,将 meta-learning 结…
原文链接:Meta Learning单排小教学 虽然Meta Learning现在已经非常火了,但是还有很多小伙伴对于Meta Learning不是特别理解.考虑到我的这个AI游乐场将充斥着Meta Learning的分析解读及各种原创思考,所以今天Flood就和大家做一个Meta Learning小教学,希望能够用最简短,最通俗的语言来让大家明白Meta Learning的概念,Meta Learning的几种研究方法,以及Meta Learning未来的发展,带大家上分!相信这个Meta L…
MetaPruning 2019-ICCV-MetaPruning Meta Learning for Automatic Neural Network Channel Pruning Zechun Liu (HKUST).Xiangyu Zhang (MEGVII).Jian Sun(MEGVII) GitHub:251 stars Citation:20 Motivation A typical pruning approach contains three stages: training…