B. Karen and Coffee】的更多相关文章

B. Karen and Coffee time limit per test 2.5 seconds memory limit per test 512 megabytes input standard input output standard output To stay woke and attentive during classes, Karen needs some coffee! Karen, a coffee aficionado, wants to know the opti…
CodeForces 816B Karen and Coffee(前缀和,大量查询) Description Karen, a coffee aficionado, wants to know the optimal temperature for brewing the perfect cup of coffee. Indeed, she has spent some time reading several recipe books, including the universally ac…
To stay woke and attentive during classes, Karen needs some coffee! Karen, a coffee aficionado, wants to know the optimal temperature for brewing the perfect cup of coffee. Indeed, she has spent some time reading several recipe books, including the u…
To stay woke and attentive during classes, Karen needs some coffee! Karen, a coffee aficionado, wants to know the optimal temperature for brewing the perfect cup of coffee. Indeed, she has spent some time reading several recipe books, including the u…
To stay woke and attentive during classes, Karen needs some coffee! Karen, a coffee aficionado, wants to know the optimal temperature for brewing the perfect cup of coffee. Indeed, she has spent some time reading several recipe books, including the u…
B. Karen and Coffee time limit per test 2.5 seconds memory limit per test 512 megabytes input standard input output standard output To stay woke and attentive during classes, Karen needs some coffee! Karen, a coffee aficionado, wants to know the opti…
http://codeforces.com/contest/816/problem/B To stay woke and attentive during classes, Karen needs some coffee! Karen, a coffee aficionado, wants to know the optimal temperature for brewing the perfect cup of coffee. Indeed, she has spent some time r…
Description To stay woke and attentive(专注的) during classes, Karen needs some coffee! Karen, a coffee aficionado, wants to know the optimal temperature for brewing the perfect cup of coffee. Indeed, she has spent some time reading several recipe books…
To stay woke and attentive during classes, Karen needs some coffee! Karen, a coffee aficionado, wants to know the optimal temperature for brewing the perfect cup of coffee. Indeed, she has spent some time reading several recipe books, including the u…
To stay woke and attentive during classes, Karen needs some coffee! Karen, a coffee aficionado, wants to know the optimal temperature for brewing the perfect cup of coffee. Indeed, she has spent some time reading several recipe books, including the u…
题目链接 816B Karen and Coffee 题目分析 题意:有个人在学泡咖啡,因此看了很多关于泡咖啡温度的书,得到了n种推荐的泡咖啡温度范围[L1,R1] ,此人将有k种做法推荐的温度记为可用温度(个人翻译),然后给出q次询问,问区间[L2,R2]内的温度,有多少个温度是可用温度(每个整数代表一个温度) 思路:一开始用的是线段树写的,不过姿势不对,TLE了,然后改过来后,发现时间比较长,就考虑一下优化的方法. 比线段树某些功能更优的算法:差分思想,在对某一区间每个位置上的数加上一个值x…
题目链接:http://codeforces.com/contest/816/problem/B 题目意思:给出 n 个recipes,第 i 个(1<= i <=n)recipes 表明 coffee 调制的推荐温度范围是 [li, ri] 之间.现在有 q 个问题,每个问题需要回答 coffee 在范围 [a, b] 之间,共有多少个数满足至少有 k 个推荐. 题目解析:这题主要是考我们对于大范围(最大200000),如何处理数据.方法是很容易想到的,但要考虑优化,即离线处理.20w *…
LINK 题意:给出n个[l,r],q个询问a,b,问被包含于[a,b]且这样的区间数大于k个的方案数有多少 思路:预处理所有的区间,对于一个区间我们标记其(左边界)++,(右边界+1)--这样就能通过前缀和维护小于某边界的区间个数了 这题也可以用线段树解,但显然不太合算 /** @Date : 2017-07-01 10:02:30 * @FileName: 816B 前缀和 线段树 二分.cpp * @Platform: Windows * @Author : Lweleth (SoungE…
思路: 有点类似于区间修改点查询的树状数组. 实现: #include <iostream> #include <cstdio> using namespace std; ; int a[MAXN], n, k, q; int main() { cin >> n >> k >> q; ; i < n; i++) { int l, r; scanf("%d %d", &l, &r); a[l]++; a[r…
[题目链接]:http://codeforces.com/contest/816/problem/B [题意] 给你很多个区间[l,r]; 1<=l<=r<=2e5 一个数字如果被k个以上的区间覆盖到; 则称之为特殊数字; 给你q个询问区间; 问你这q个区间里面 每个区间里面有多少个特殊数字; [题解] 对于覆盖的区间l,r add[l]++,sub[r+1]++, 然后顺序枚举 now+=add[i]; now-=sub[i]; 如果now>=k则i是一个特殊数字; 写个前缀和O…
题目链接:http://codeforces.com/contest/816/problem/B 题意:给出n个范围,q个查询问查询区间出现多少点在给出的n个范围中至少占了k次 题解:很显然的一道题目,可能会想到用莫队,或者分块来写,但是这样会超时.这题有个技巧,可以考虑用前缀和来求. 首先在n个范围中给出了l,r,用一个数组a[],a[l]++,a[r+1]--,然后求前缀表示前i个有多少个超过k的.然后就简单了,具体看一下代码. 总而言之想法很重要. #include <iostream>…
题目链接 :http://codeforces.com/contest/816/problem/B 题意 :给出 n 表示区间个数,限定值 k 以及问询次数 q,当一个数被大于或等于 k 个区间重复覆盖时才算有效数,每一次问询都是以区间方式给出,例如(L, R)问你在这个L~R的范围内有多少个数是有效数(即包含这些数的区间个数>=k). 分析 : 这题可以预先统计哪些数被大于或者等于 k 个原始区间重复覆盖,只要提前将这些满足条件的数递增地编上权值构成前缀和序列,然后对于每段问询只要将前缀和序列…
1.题目A:Karen and Morning 题意: 给出hh:mm格式的时间,问至少经过多少分钟后,该时刻为回文字符串? 思路: 简单模拟,从当前时刻开始,如果hh的回文rh等于mm则停止累计.否则,根据rh和mm的大小来累计sum,然后hh+1,不断尝试. #include<iostream> using namespace std; int main() { int hh,mm; char c; while (cin >> hh >> c >> mm…
In this lesson you will learn to answer simple questions about yourself.  本节课讲学到回答关于自己的一些简单问题 课上内容(Lesson) Hello -->  Hi Thank you -->  Thanks I'm fine -->  I'm OK My name is ... -->  I'm # Meeting People What's you nickname? You can call me .…
A - A  这题很巧妙啊,前两天刚好做过,而且就在博客里  Little C Loves 3 I time limit per test 1 second memory limit per test 256 megabytes input standard input output standard output Little C loves number «3» very much. He loves all things about it. Now he has a positive in…
To stay woke and attentive during classes, Karen needs some coffee! Karen, a coffee aficionado, wants to know the optimal temperature for brewing the perfect cup of coffee. Indeed, she has spent some time reading several recipe books, including the u…
A. Karen and Morning time limit per test  2 seconds memory limit per test  512 megabytes   Karen is getting ready for a new school day! It is currently hh:mm, given in a 24-hour format. As you know, Karen loves palindromes, and she believes that it i…
A. Karen and Morning time limit per test 2 seconds memory limit per test 512 megabytes input standard input output standard output Karen is getting ready for a new school day! It is currently hh:mm, given in a 24-hour format. As you know, Karen loves…
上紫啦! E题1:59压哨提交成功翻盘 (1:00就做完了调了一个小时,还好意思说出来? (逃)) 题面太长就不复制了,但是配图很可爱所以要贴过来 九条可怜酱好可爱呀 A - Karen and Morning 询问从当前时刻过多久,时间会形成回文串的形式. 暴力呀暴力 #include<iostream> #include<algorithm> #include<cstring> #include<cstdio> #include<cmath>…
B. Karen and Coffee time limit per test 2.5 seconds memory limit per test 512 megabytes input standard input output standard output To stay woke and attentive during classes, Karen needs some coffee! Karen, a coffee aficionado, wants to know the opti…
A Karen and Morning 水题 注意进位即可 #include<bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; typedef long long int LL; int a,b; bool pal() { if((a%10)==(b/10)&&(a/10)==(b%10))return true; else return false; } void add() { b+=1; while(b>=60)b-=60,a+=1; whil…
A Karen and Morning 找最近的回文时间 模拟  往后推 判判就行 //By SiriusRen #include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; int tx,ty,T; bool check(){ ,ry=tx%; +rx==ty; } int main(){ scanf("%d:%d",&tx,&ty); ){ ;} T++,ty++; )tx++,ty=; )tx=; } } B Karen…
A. Karen and Morning 传送门:http://codeforces.com/contest/816/problem/A 水题,参考程序如下: #include <stdio.h> int main(void) { int h, m, H, M; scanf("%d:%d", &h, &m); ; i <= * ; i++) { H = (h + (m + i) / ) % ; M = (m + i) % ; == M % &&…
此博客不更新很久了, 更新的文档在这, 有兴趣到这里围观: http://neutra.github.io/2013/%E6%94%AF%E4%BB%98%E5%AE%9DWAP%E6%94%AF%E4%BB%98%E6%8E%A5%E5%8F%A3%E5%BC%80%E5%8F%91/ --------------------------------------------------- 支付宝WAP支付接口开发(Node/Coffee语言) 因项目需要,要增加支付宝手机网站支付功能,找了支付…
本想用forever / pm2 来部署nodejs, 百度后发现只能在Linux系统上使用,window上没法使用,兜一圈后又转nssm了.... 在Linux上,可以轻松的使用forever或者pm2来部署nodejs应用.但是在windows下就麻烦了,pm2明确的说支持Linux & MacOS,forever在windows下问题很多,最主要是版本老旧,不支持node0.8以上的版本,而且安装forever,npm install forever  是压跟没安装成功..因此foreve…