I want to share a very powerful approach for customer segmentation in this post. It is based on customer’s lifecycle, specifically on frequency and recency of purchases. The idea of using these metrics comes from the RFM analysis. Recency and frequen…
We studied a very powerful approach for customer segmentation in the previous post, which is based on the customer’s lifecycle. We used two metrics: frequency and recency. It is also possible and very helpful to add monetary value to our segmentation…
This is the third post about LifeCycle Grids. You can find the first post about the sense of LifeCycle Grids and A-Z process for creating and visualizing with R programming language here. Lastly, here is the second post about adding monetary metrics…
Large Scale Visual Recognition Challenge 2015 (ILSVRC2015) Legend: Yellow background = winner in this task according to this metric; authors are willing to reveal the method White background = authors are willing to reveal the method Grey background…
Combining Data From Multiple Excel Files Introduction A common task for python and pandas is to automate the process of aggregating data from multiple files and spreadsheets. This article will walk through the basic flow required to parse multiple Ex…
1.结构 Rxlifecycle代码很少,也很好理解,来看核心类. 接口ActivityLifecycleProvider RxFragmentActivity.RxAppCompatActivity.RxFragment等类所有的组件类皆实现这个借口 类RxLifecycle 2.详细分析 以RxAppCompatActivity入手来分析. 初始化一个BehaviorSubject,Subject因为它是一个Observer,它可以订阅一个或多个Observable:又因为它是一个Obser…
摘要:Appboy 正在过手机等新兴渠道尝试一种新的方法,让机构可以与顾客建立更好的关系,可以说是市场自动化产业的一个前沿探索者.在移动端探索上,该公司已经取得了一定的成功,知名产品有 iHeartMedia.PicsArt.Etsy 等. [编者按]本文摘录自 Appboy 联合创始人兼 CIO Jon Hyman 在 MongoDB World 2015 上的演讲.Appboy 正在过手机等新兴渠道尝试一种新的方法,让机构可以与顾客建立更好的关系,可以说是市场自动化产业的一个前沿探索者.在移…
示例1:查询业务员的联系记录 1.控制器代码(RelationController.java) //分页列出联系记录 @RequestMapping(value="toPage/customerRecord") public String listRelationRecord(Map map,String beginTime,String endTime, String uname,Long curPage){ Map<String,Object> map1 = new H…
1.添加用户 和编辑可以写在一起 urls.py url(r'^customer_add/', customer.customer_change, name='customer_add'), url(r'^customer_edit/(\d+)/', customer.customer_change, name='customer_edit'), form.py class BSForm(forms.ModelForm): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):…
Neo4j图形数据库教程 Neo4j图形数据库教程 第一章:介绍 Neo4j是什么 Neo4j的特点 Neo4j的优点 第二章:安装 1.环境 2.下载 3.开启远程访问 4.测试 第三章:CQL 1.CQL简介 2.Neo4j CQL命令/条款 3.Neo4j CQL 函数 4.Neo4j CQL数据类型 第四章:命令 1.CREATE创建 2.MATCH查询 3.RETURN返回 4.关系基础 5.WHERE子句 6.DELETE删除 7.REMOVE删除 8.SET子句 9.ORDER B…