给表名A的字段A增加索引 SqlServer: if exists (select 1 from sysobjects where name='表名A' and type='u')and exists (select 1 from syscolumns where name='字段A' and id=object_id('表名A')) and not exists(select 1 from sys.indexes where object_id = OBJECT_ID('表名A') and n…
create or alter proc SP_CreateIndex as begin if exists(select * from sys.objects where name='execsql') begin drop table execsql; end create table execsql(id int identity(1,1),sqlstr varchar(1000),flag varchar(255));--创建索引insert into execsql(sqlstr,fl…
最近要更新Cocon90.Db库,令其ORM创建表时实现索引的添加.因此总结下列常用Sql,供大家学习与参考. 一.SqlServer中创建索引可以这样: ) Create Table Test ( RowId ) NOT NULL, Name ) NOT NULL , Type int NULL, PRIMARY KEY (RowId,Name), INDEX idxType(Type), INDEX idxName(Name) ); 二.MySql中需要这样: CREATE TABLE IF…
1.在hive中创建索引所在表 create table if not exists h_odse.hxy(id int,name string,hobby array<string>,add map<string,string>)partitioned by (age int,sex string)row format delimitedfields terminated by ','collection items terminated by '-'map keys termi…