[CodeVS4438]YJQ Runs Upstairs】的更多相关文章

[CodeVS4438]YJQ Runs Upstairs 题目大意: 一个\(n(n\le50)\)个点\(m(m\le300)\)条边的DAG,保证从\(1\)到\(n\)的所有路径经过边数均小于等于\(20\).每条边有一个边权\(w_i(w_i\le50)\),求从\(1\)到\(n\)经过边权方差最小值. 思路: \[ \frac1n\sum(x_i-\overline{x})^2=\frac1n\left[\sum x_i^2-\frac{(\sum x_i)^2}n\right]…
memory runs at single channel 解决方案:开机后按DEL ,然后进入BIOS 选择第一项,回车! advanced下面的有个momori什么什么的,选择disable. momori什么什么的有很多cpu什么的…
In this article, I will show you how to use the new version of MySQL (5.7+) and how to troubleshoot MySQL memory allocation more easily. by Alexander Rubin   Troubleshooting crashes is never a fun task, especially if MySQL does not report the cause o…
CTSSD Runs in Observer Mode Even Though No Time Sync Software is Running (Doc ID 1054006.1) In this DocumentSymptomsCauseSolutionReferences APPLIES TO:Oracle Database - Enterprise Edition - Version and laterInformation in this document appli…
[CF896D]Nephren Runs a Cinema 题意:一个序列中有n格数,每个数可能是0,1,-1,如果一个序列的所有前缀和都>=0且总和$\in [L,R]$,那么我们称这个序列是合法的.求合法序列的个数%P. n,L,R<=100000,P<=2*10^9 题解:先不考虑0的数,那么总数显然就是卡特兰数的变形.我们将卡特兰数转换成在二维平面上,从(0,0)走到(a,b),且不越过直线x=y的方案数.因为每个越过x=y的方案都可以转化成从(-1,1)走到(a,b)的方案,所…
Configuring the jvm that the jmeter process runs in The JMeter Maven plugin will run the JMeter process in its own JVM. You have full control over this JVM and can set the -Xms and -Xmx as well as any command line arguments you require. We suggest th…
Lakhesh loves to make movies, so Nephren helps her run a cinema. We may call it No. 68 Cinema. However, one day, the No. 68 Cinema runs out of changes (they don't have 50-yuan notes currently), but Nephren still wants to start their business. (Assume…
题目描述 Yjq想要将一个长为宽为的矩形棺材(棺材表面绝对光滑,所以棺材可以任意的滑动)拖过一个L型墓道. 如图所示,L型墓道两个走廊的宽度分别是和,呈90°,并且走廊的长度远大于. 现在Hja想知道对于给定的,,,最大的是多少,如果无论如何棺材都不可能通过,则输出"My poor head =(" . 数据范围  1≤,,≤10^4. 题解:      ①三分法求下凸函数极值.       ③具体就是求靠外直角的那条斜边到内拐角点的距离,然后比较和宽的大小就可以说明能够通过了…
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