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斯坦福课程CS224d: Deep Learning for Natural Language Processing lecture13:Convolutional neural networks -- for sentence classification 主要是学习笔记,卷积神经网络(CNN),因为其特殊的结构,在图像处理和语音识别方面都有很出色的表现.这里主要整理CNN在自然语言处理的应用和现状. 一.RNNs to CNNs 学过前面lecture的朋友,应该比较清楚.RNNs一般只能获…
微软近期Open的职位: Contact Person: Winnie Wei (wiwe@microsoft.com )Senior Software Development Engineer/NLP Scientist (Microsoft China - Suzhou)Location: SuzhouSuzhou is one of the most vibrant cities in the world. Come to experience the Chinese culture, e…