[Node.js] 05 - Modules and Function】的更多相关文章

一个 Node.js 文件就是一个模块,这个文件可能是JavaScript 代码.JSON 或者编译过的C/C++ 扩展. 模块是Node.js 应用程序的基本组成部分,文件和模块是一一对应的. Node.js 工具模块 在 Node.js 模块库中几种常用模块的使用: 序号 模块名 & 描述 1 OS 模块提供基本的系统操作函数. 2 Path 模块提供了处理和转换文件路径的工具. 3 Net 模块用于底层的网络通信.提供了服务端和客户端的的操作. 4 DNS 模块用于解析域名. 5 Doma…
node --experimental-modules & node.js ES Modules how to run esm modules in node.js cli $ node -v # v12.18.0 $ uname -a # Darwin xgqfrms-mbp.local 19.5.0 Darwin Kernel Version 19.5.0: Tue May 26 20:41:44 PDT 2020; root:xnu-6153.121.2~2/RELEASE_X86_64…
Node.js & ES Modules & Jest CJS & ESM CommonJS https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CommonJS https://nodejs.org/api/modules.html#modules_modules_commonjs_modules module wrapper https://nodejs.org/api/modules.html#modules_the_module_wrapper ES Modules…
Node.js & ES modules & .mjs Node.js v13.9.0 https://nodejs.org/api/esm.html https://nodejs.org/en/blog/release/v8.5.0/ https://2ality.com/2019/04/nodejs-esm-impl.html https://2ality.com/2019/10/hybrid-npm-packages.html https://flaviocopes.com/how-…
4.2 Missing Exports Notice the two different files: high_five.js on the left side andapp.js on the right. The code as it's written will not work,high_five.js isn't exporting anything. Add the proper exports line to have a successful high five! //high…
In this lesson, you will learn the difference between the exports statement and module.exports. Two examples are demonstrated, each accomplishing the same task but one using export statements and one using module.exports. You will also learn the basi…
CoomonJS modules provide a clean syntax for importing dependencies. This lesson will take a look at the basics of using CommonJS modules. app.js var dep = require('./dep'); console.log(dep); // Exports a string back dep.js module.exports = "Exports a…
创建模块 当前目录:hello.js, main.js // hello.js exports.world = function() { // exports 对象把 world 作为模块的访问接口 console.log("Hello World!"); } // main.js var hello = require('./hello'); hello.world(); //hello.js function Hello() { //也可以把一个对象封装到模块中 var name;…
一.Demo 1.首先定义 module 文件:bbb.js const fs = require("fs"); function readFileSync() { let result = fs.readFileSync("./result.log"); return result; } async function readFileAsync() { let result = await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {…
Node.js require 模块加载原理 All In One require 加载模块,搜索路径 "use strict"; /** * * @author xgqfrms * @license MIT * @copyright xgqfrms * @created 2020-10-01 * @modified * * @description * @difficulty Easy Medium Hard * @complexity O(n) * @augments * @exa…