C# & SQLite - Storing Images】的更多相关文章

  Download source code - 755 KB Introduction This article is to demonstrate how to load images into a SQLite database and retrieve them for viewing. It is written in VS2010, C#, .NET4.0, and uses an ADO.NET provider System.Data.SQLite to connect to t…
As said at Datatypes In SQLite Version 3: Datatypes In SQLite Version 3 Most SQL database engines (every SQL database engine other than SQLite, as far as we know) uses static, rigid typing. With static typing, the datatype of a value is determined by…
http://blog.csdn.net/ZF101201/archive/2010/05/26/5626365.aspx SQLite.NET Type:    .NET Framework Class Library Usage:  System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteConnection Basic Data Source=filename;Version=3; Version 2 is not supported by this class library. Using U…
SQLite/嵌入式数据库 的项目要么不使用数据库(一两个文配置文件就可以搞定),要么就会有很多的数据,用到 postgresql,操练sqlite的还没有.现在我有个自己的小测试例子,写个数据库对比的小项目例子,我就准备把数据存储在sqlite上,第一 数据不是很大,百位级别:为桌面应用软件,嵌入式的.sqlite 很适合. 安装: 1> os:ubuntu. 由于是使用代理上的网,估计没有配置好,apt-get intall sqlite3自动安装没有成功,就采用了源码安装. 2> pac…
Last month I’ve a chance to develop an app using Sqlite and Entity Framework Code First. Before I started with this project, I thought everything will be easy because Sqlite and Entity Framework are both popular framework. Maybe I just need to instal…
php读取sqlite数据库的例子,php编程中操作sqlite入门实例.原文参考:http://www.jbxue.com/article/php/22383.html在使用SQLite前,要确保php.ini中已经启用sqlite和pdo配置 打开PHP.INI文件,打下以下扩展:extension=php_pdo.dll extension=php_pdo_sqlite.dllextension=php_sqlite.dllsqlite_open命令是打开一个数据库文件. 如果没有文件则创…
In previous articles we have utilized NSUserDefaults and .NET web services to persist iPhone data. NSUserDefaults is idol for storing small amounts of data. Web services are used to store the data on a custom server. In this article we will take a lo…
Basic Data Source=c:\mydb.db;Version=3; Version 2 is not supported by this class library. SQLite In-Memory Database An SQLite database is normally stored on disk but the database can also be stored in memory. Read more about SQLite in-memory database…
原文地址: https://blog.devart.com/increasing-sqlite-performance.html One the major issues a developer encounters when using the SQLite DBMS in his applications is its performance issue. Perhaps, a classic case everyone gets into when using SQLite for the…
比方说你要在C++/PHP里实现一个函数Image get_image(string id),不同的图片有1万张(用户头像),你可以把它们存在一个目录/文件夹里,然后fopen()再fread. 你也可以把它们存在一个SQLite数据库images.db里,调用SQLite来读取,"35% Faster Than The Filesystem".你还可以把它们放在一个大文件images.dat里,自己在前面放个索引--为啥要造轮子,还不如SQLite圆? PHP自5.3.0起默认启用S…