A: 题目没读, 啥也不会的室友帮我写的. #include<bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; #define Fopen freopen("_in.txt","r",stdin); freopen("_out.txt","w",stdout); #define LL long long #define ULL unsigned LL #define fi first #def…
http://codeforces.com/contest/1092/problem/B There are nn students in a university. The number of students is even. The ii-th student has programming skill equal to aiai. The coach wants to form n2n2 teams. Each team should consist of exactly two stu…
http://codeforces.com/contest/1092/problem/D2 Vova's family is building the Great Vova Wall (named by Vova himself). Vova's parents, grandparents, grand-grandparents contributed to it. Now it's totally up to Vova to put the finishing touches. The cur…
http://codeforces.com/contest/1092/problem/D1 Vova's family is building the Great Vova Wall (named by Vova himself). Vova's parents, grandparents, grand-grandparents contributed to it. Now it's totally up to Vova to put the finishing touches. The cur…
http://codeforces.com/contest/1092/problem/C Ivan wants to play a game with you. He picked some string ss of length nn consisting only of lowercase Latin letters. You don't know this string. Ivan has informed you about all its improper prefixes and s…
http://codeforces.com/contest/1092/problem/A You are given two integers nn and kk. Your task is to construct such a string ss of length nn that for each ii from 11 to kk there is at least one ii-th letter of the Latin alphabet in this string (the fir…
http://codeforces.com/contest/1006/problem/A Mishka got an integer array aa of length nn as a birthday present (what a surprise!). Mishka doesn't like this present and wants to change it somehow. He has invented an algorithm and called it "Mishka's A…