Deep Learning in a Nutshell: History and Training This series of blog posts aims to provide an intuitive and gentle introduction to deep learning that does not rely heavily on math or theoretical constructs. The first part in this series provided an…
Ensemble Methods for Deep Learning Neural Networks to Reduce Variance and Improve Performance 2018-12-19 13:02:45 This blog is copied from: Deep learning neural ne…
Deep Learning 教程翻译 非常激动地宣告,Stanford 教授 Andrew Ng 的 Deep Learning 教程,于今日,2013年4月8日,全部翻译成中文.这是中国屌丝军团,从2月20日战役打响之日,经过 50 天的团结奋战,取得的全面彻底的胜利. 此次战役的巨大胜利,之所以令人激动,有三方面的原因. 1. 在 Stanford 网站这个规模不算大,但是行业影响可观的舞台上,彰显了中国屌丝们,旺盛的求战热情,迅猛顽强的战斗作风,训练有素的战术技能. 2. 在…
My deep learning reading list 主要是顺着Bengio的PAMI review的文章找出来的.包括几本综述文章,将近100篇论文,各位山头们的Presentation.全部都可以在google上找到.BTW:由于我对视觉尤其是检测识别比较感兴趣,所以关于DL的应用主要都是跟Vision相关的.在其他方面比如语音或者NLP,很少或者几乎没有.个人非常看好CNN和Sparse Autoencoder,这个list也反映了我的偏好,仅供参考. Review Book Lis…
Pedestrian Attributes Recognition Paper List 2018-12-22 22:08:55 [Note] you may also check the updated version of this blog from my github: The survey paper of pedestrian…
IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision, ICCV 2017, Venice, Italy, October 22-29, 2017. IEEE Computer Society 2017, ISBN 978-1-5386-1032-9 Oral Session 1 Globally-Optimal Inlier Set Maximisation for Simultaneous Camera Pose and Feature Corre…