Gym 102055B Balance of the Force】的更多相关文章

大意: $n$个骑士, 第$i$个骑士若加入光明阵营, 那么能力值$L_i$, 加入黑暗阵营, 能力值$D_i$. 给定$m$个限制$(u_i,v_i)$, 表示$u_i,v_i$不能在同一阵营. 求一种划分方案, 使得能力值最大值减最小值最小. 对于一个连通块, 如果不是二分图, 那么无解. 否则的话这个连通块最大值最小值只有两种情况, 枚举最大值, 求出最小值的最大可能值更新答案即可. #include <iostream> #include <sstream> #includ…
题意 n个人能选择黑暗面和光明面,选择两个面分别能获得\(L_i\)和\(R_i\)的力量,有m对人不能选择同一面,问n个人的力量中的最大值-最小值尽可能小为多少. \(1<=n<=2\times 10^5\) \(0<=m<=2\times 10^5\) \(1<=L_i,D_i<=10^9\) 分析 先二分图染色,每个连通块的最大值和最小值有两种方案,设一共有k个连通块,将所有方案按最大值升序排序,去枚举最大值mx,用线段树维护所有连通块的最小值,若前\(i\)个方…
比赛链接:传送门 跌跌撞撞6题摸银. 封榜后两题,把手上的题做完了还算舒服.就是罚时有点高. 开出了一道奇奇怪怪的题(K),然后ccpcf银应该比区域赛银要难吧,反正很开心qwq. Problem A. Mischievous Problem Setter 00:14 (-2) Solved by Dancepted 良心签到题.WA2吃乳猪. 代码: #include <iostream> #include <cmath> #include <map> #includ…
1 ; 2 ; STANDARD MD INPUT OPTIONS FOR MARTINI 2.x 3 ; Updated 02 feb 2013 by DdJ 4 ; 5 ; for use with GROMACS 4.5/4.6 6 ; 7 8 title = Martini 9 10 11 ; TIMESTEP IN MARTINI 12 ; Most simulations are numerically stable 13 ; with dt=40 fs, some (especia…
输入参数:一个典型的mdp文件 1 ; 2 ; STANDARD MD INPUT OPTIONS FOR MARTINI 2.x 3 ; Updated 02 feb 2013 by DdJ 4 ; 5 ; for use with GROMACS 4.5/4.6 6 ; 7 8 title = Martini 9 10 ; TIMESTEP IN MARTINI 11 ; Most simulations are numerically stable 12 ; with dt=40 fs,…
If you find yourself needing to sit down to take off your shoes, it might be time to start paying attention to your sense of balance. People don't usually think about balance until they fall, but little signs such as relying on handrails to go up and…
目录 1. 问题概述 2. 环境 2.1 Observation & state 2.2 Actions 2.3 Reward 2.4 初始状态 2.5 终止状态- Episode Termination 2.6 Solved Requirements 3. 代码 3.1 导入lib 3.2 定义Continuous_MountainCarEnv类 3.2.1 定义__init__(self)函数 3.2.2 定义随机种子函数seed(self, seed=None) 3.2.3 定义step(…
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