Pedestrian Attributes Recognition Paper List 2018-12-22 22:08:55 [Note] you may also check the updated version of this blog from my github: The survey paper of pedestrian…
文章写到现在,最后一步就要大功告成了!reference,let's go! 一.用Google来做Latex的bib文件 1. 打开 2. 定制 Scholar Preferences->Bibliography Manager ->Show links to import citations int o BibTeX (选中这个) 3. search something like “multicast” in the…
牛人主页(主页有很多论文代码) Serge Belongie at UC San Diego Antonio Torralba at MIT Alexei Ffros at CMU Ce Liu at Microsoft Research New England Vittorio Ferrari at Univ.of Edinburgh Kristen Grauman at UT Austin Devi Parikh at TTI-Chicago (Marr Prize at ICCV2011…
标题&作者 1.标题 \title{} "Line breaks (\\) may be used to equalize the length of the title lines. Do not use math or other special symbols in the title." 2.作者信息 \author{} \author{}内先列作者,后写\thanks{},最后一个作者和第一个\thanks{}之间不能有空格,各\thanks{}之间也不能有空格,这里…
Inserting Images Images are essential elements in most of the scientific documents. LATEX provides several options to handle images and make them look exactly what you need. In this article is explained how to include images in the most common format…
在进行latex引用时,有两种办法: 一,被动引用. 如有这样一段代码: $$ x^2+y^2= z^2.\eqno(1.1) $$ In this paper, we investigated (1.1) and applied it into some fields. 红色部分为被动引用,其缺点显而易见:如果公式(1.1)的编号修改之后,引用出的编号也得跟着修改才行,麻烦且易出错. 因此推荐下一种引用方式. 二,自动引用. 如有这样一段代码: \begin{ea}\label{equ:squ…
本文取自 感谢 abcd@stackoverflow Changes to your LaTeX workflow: The first step in efficiently managing a git+latex workflow is to make a few changes to your LaTeX habits. For starters, write e…
看下面这张图片便一目了然!!! 借助 geometry 包,可以很方便地调整页面大小,常用的参数如图所示,这些参数都可以通过LateX支持的单位(mm, cm, pt, in)去重新设置.具体有以下参数: textwidth Corresponds to element 8 in the figure. textheight Element 7 in the figure. total Depends on other parameters, by default defines t…