我的Windows 7 系统,在开始菜单里面输入msconfig ,回车打开系统配置,隐藏所有Microsoft的进程,在服务和启动项里面都有 Kalendar server   Beijing Tiandiyuandian Technology Limited     正在运行. 这个东西到底是什么东西呢?肯定不是系统的进程,但是我又没有自己的应用,我非常的忧伤,百度之: 居然没有相关信息,google之,发现一堆英文,太坑爹了: 点开看看吧!这里说的最好的一句话是:Your computer…
https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/evalcenter/evaluate-sql-server-2016 SQL Server 2016 Community Technology Preview 3.3        This download has multiple files.             If the download did not start automatically, click the button below. SQLServer20…
原文:SQL Server 2008性能故障排查(一)--概论 备注:本人花了大量下班时间翻译,绝无抄袭,允许转载,但请注明出处.由于篇幅长,无法一篇博文全部说完,同时也没那么快全部翻译完,所以按章节发布.由于本人水平有限,翻译结果肯定存在问题,为了不造成误导,在每篇结尾处都附上原文,供大家参考,也希望能指出我的问题,以便改进.谢谢. 另外,本文写给稍微有经验的数据库开发人员或者DBA看,初学者可能会看不懂.在此请见谅 作者:Sunil Agarwal, Boris Baryshnikov, K…
http://sqlserverbuilds.blogspot.jp/   What version of SQL Server do I have? This unofficial build chart lists all of the known Service Packs (SP), Cumulative Updates (CU), patches, hotfixes and other builds of MS SQL Server 2016, 2014, 2012, 2008 R2,…
原帖地址 What version of SQL Server do I have? This unofficial build chart lists all of the known Service Packs (SP), Cumulative Updates (CU), patches, hotfixes and other builds of MS SQL Server 2014, 2012, 2008 R2, 2008, 2005, 2000, 7.0, 6.5 and 6.0 tha…
A system includes a server and a controller embedded in a device. Both the server and the embedded controller are capable of communicating over a computer network. The embedded controller sends a command to the server over the computer network that i…
一.DIG linux下查询域名解析有两种选择,nslookup或者dig.Dig(Domain Information Groper)是一个在类Unix命令行模式下查询DNS包括NS记录,A记录,MX记录等相关信息的工具. <span style="font-size:18px;">root@kali:~# dig -h Usage: dig [@global-server] [domain] [q-type] [q-class] {q-opt} {global-d-op…
From:https://www.centos.org/download/mirrors/ CentOS welcomes new mirror sites. If you are considering setting up a public mirror site for CentOS, please follow the mirror guidelines to make sure that your mirror is consistent with the other mirror s…
In this tutorial we will discuss about different types of questions that can be used in a Java interview, in order for the employer to test your skills in Java and object-oriented programming in general. In the following sections we will discuss abou…
http://blog.csdn.net/win_lin/article/details/8242653 译文在后面. State Threads for Internet Applications Introduction State Threads is an application library which provides a foundation for writing fast and highly scalable Internet Applications on UNIX-li…