Little Joey invented a scrabble machine that he called Euler, after the great mathematician. In his primary school Joey heard about the nice story of how Euler started the study about graphs. The problem in that story was - let me remind you - to dra…
题目传送门 题意:一笔画,问该图形将平面分成多少个区域 分析:训练指南P260,欧拉定理:平面图定点数V,边数E,面数F,则V + F - E = 2.那么找出新增的点和边就可以了.用到了判断线段相交,求交点,判断点在线上 /************************************************ * Author :Running_Time * Created Time :2015/10/22 星期四 09:10:09 * File Name :LA_3263.cpp…