1554: SG Value Submit Page Summary Time Limit: 5 Sec Memory Limit: 256 Mb Submitted: 497 Solved: 167 Description The SG value of a set (multiset) is the minimum positive integer that could not be constituted of the number in this se…
Leaving Auction 题目链接:http://codeforces.com/contest/749/problem/D 二分 本来以为是哪种神奇的数据结构,没想到sort+lower_bonud就解决了,妙. 这道题的精髓在于将每个人出价的最大值记录下来,最后竞拍到的一定为没有leave的人中出价最高的那个人(因为It's guaranteed that the sum of k over all question won't exceed 200 000. 所以这个操作的总复杂度不会…
CodeForces 749D. Leaving Auction 传送门 There are n people taking part in auction today. The rules of auction are classical. There were n bids made, though it's not guaranteed they were from different people. It might happen that some people made no bid…
D. Leaving Auction time limit per test: 2 seconds memory limit per test:256 megabytes input:standard input output:standard output There are n people taking part in auction today. The rules of auction are classical. There were n bids made, though it's…