No object in the CompoundRoot has a publicly accessible property named 'typeid' (no setter could be found) 在设置struts的devMode为true后 出现上述异常 原因就是devMode下form中的input会在action中找针对input name的setter (struts.devMode = false,设置为true时,所有有名字(name)的input都必须 有对应的s…
struts 如果实现了CookiesAware了,还需要引用org.apache.struts2.interceptor.CookieInterceptor过滤器,否则拿不到值同时还要能看到这样的错误No object in the CompoundRoot has a publicly accessible property named 'JSESSIONID'解决办法是 1 把struts.devMode设为false2 增加一个setJSESSIONID(String value)的空方…
原文: As a rule, iOS programmers don't think much about JavaScript. We spend our days swimming in C andObjective-C, while occasionally dipping our toes into the waters of C++. But JavaScript has…
An alternative, that may get you rejected from the app store, is to use WebScriptObject. These APIs are public on OSX but are not on iOS. You need to define interfaces to the internal classes. @interface WebScriptObject: NSObject @end @interface WebV…
JavaScript原生对象的api有些情况下使用并不方便,考虑扩展基于Object.Function.String.Array扩展,参考了prototype.js的部分实现,做了提取和修改,分享下: /** * * @authors yinshen ( * @date 2013-09-05 23:23:25 * @version $Id$ */ //Object 扩展 (function() { var FUNCTION_CLASS = '[ob…
//对象是可变的键控集合, //"numbers, strings, booleans (true and false), null, and undefined" 不是对象的解释 The simple types of JavaScript are numbers, strings, booleans (true and false), null, and undefined. All other values are objects. Numbers, strings, and b…
let person = { firstName: "Zhentian", lastName: "Wan" }; /*Object.freeze() makes object cannot be updated, added or deleted*/ let freezePerson = Object.freeze(person); freezePerson.address="Finland"; // Cannot add property ad…
1  Object.seal(O)的调用 When the seal function is called, the following steps are taken:   If Type(O) is not Object throw a TypeError exception.   For each named own property name P of O,      Let desc be the result of calling the [[GetOwnProperty]] int…
Javascript has three different kinds of properties: named data property, named accessor property and internal property. There are two kinds of access for named properties: get and put, corresponding to retrieval and assignment, respectively. Please r…
Object lifetime Temporary object lifetime Storage reuse Access outside of lifetime Every object has a lifetime, which is a runtime property: for any object, there is a moment during the execution of a program when its lifetime begins, and there is a…