逻辑运算: 与运算&:与0清零 清零用与运算 或运算 |:或1置一 置一用或运算 异或 ^:不同为1 /*****单个寄存器清零置一******************************************************** int a =0x00000000; int b = 0xffffffff; //默认是32位寄存器 1.让第三位置一 a | 0x8 ==> a = a | (0x1<<3) 2.让第三位清零 1111 111…
MAGENTO - APACHE SOLR INTEGRATION - PART II (SETUP) Tue, 03/01/2011 - 18:30 Tweet Development E-Commerce Magento Continuing with the short series about integrating Magento with Apache Solr (started in this post), we'll now see how to set up and put S…