概念 我们知道 start() 方法是启动线程,让线程变成就绪状态等待 CPU 调度后执行. 那 yield() 方法是干什么用的呢?来看下源码. /** * A hint to the scheduler that the current thread is willing to yield * its current use of a processor. The scheduler is free to ignore this * hint. * * <p> Yield is a heu…
sleep不考虑其它线程的优先级 yield让位给相同或更高优先级的线程 sleep yield package multiThread2; public class TestThread042Yield { public static void main(String[] args) { MyThread3 t1 = new MyThread3("t1"); MyThread3 t2 = new MyThread3("t2"); MyThread3 t3 = ne…
先上一段代码 public class YieldExcemple { public static void main(String[] args) { Thread threada = new ThreadA(); Thread threadb = new ThreadB(); // 设置优先级:MIN_PRIORITY最低优先级1;NORM_PRIORITY普通优先级5;MAX_PRIORITY最高优先级10 threada.setPriority(Thread.MIN_PRIORITY);…
先上一段代码 public class YieldExcemple { public static void main(String[] args) { Thread threada = new ThreadA(); Thread threadb = new ThreadB(); // 设置优先级:MIN_PRIORITY最低优先级1;NORM_PRIORITY普通优先级5;MAX_PRIORITY最高优先级10 threada.setPriority(Thread.MIN_PRIORITY);…
① sleep()方法给其他线程运行机会时不考虑线程的优先级,因此会给低优先级的线程以运行的机会:yield()方法只会给相同优先级或更高优先级的线程以运行的机会: ② 线程执行 sleep()方法后转入阻塞(blocked)状态,而执行 yield()方法后转入就绪(ready)状态: ③ sleep()方法声明抛出 InterruptedException,而 yield()方法没有声明任何异常: ④ sleep()方法比 yield()方法(跟操作系统 CPU 调度相关)具有更好的可移植性…
yield方法的作用是房企当前的CPU资源,将他让给其他的任务去占用CPU执行时间,但房企的时间不确定,有可能刚刚放弃,马上又获得CPU时间片. package yield; /** * Created by liping.sang on 2017/1/13 0013. */ public class Mythread extends Thread{ public void run(){ long beginTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); int count…